UE3:UIEventContainer (UDK)

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UDK Interface >> UIEventContainer
Known implementing classes:
UISequence, UIState, UIStateSequence, UIState_Active, UIState_Disabled, UIState_Enabled, UIState_Focused, UIState_Pressed, UIState_TargetedTab
This interface in other games:

Provides an interface for objects which can contain collections of UIEvents.

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Native functions


native final function bool AddSequenceObject (SequenceObject NewObj, optional bool bRecurse)

Adds a new SequenceObject to this containers's list of ops


  • NewObj - the sequence object to add.
  • bRecurse - if TRUE, recursively add any sequence objects attached to this one


TRUE if the object was successfully added to the sequence.


native final function GetUIEvents (out array<UIEventout_Events, optional class<UIEventLimitClass)

Retrieves the UIEvents contained by this container.


  • out_Events - will be filled with the UIEvent instances stored in by this container
  • LimitClass - if specified, only events of the specified class (or child class) will be added to the array


native final function RemoveSequenceObject (SequenceObject ObjectToRemove)

Removes the specified SequenceObject from this container's list of ops.


  • ObjectToRemove - the sequence object to remove


native final function RemoveSequenceObjects (array<SequenceObjectObjectsToRemove)

Removes the specified SequenceObjects from this container's list of ops.


  • ObjectsToRemove - the objects to remove from this sequence