UE3:UTDmgType_FlakShell (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> DamageType >> UTDamageType >> UTDmgType_FlakShard >> UTDmgType_FlakShell

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Default values

Property Value
bKRadialImpulse True
bThrowRagdoll True
DamageCameraAnim CameraAnim'Camera_FX.Flak.C_WP_Flak_Alt_Hit_Shake'
DeathString "`o was ripped to shreds by `k's shrapnel."
FemaleSuicide "`o blew herself up with a Flak shell."
GibPerterbation 0.25
KDamageImpulse 1000.0
MaleSuicide "`o blew himself up with a Flak shell."
VehicleMomentumScaling 3.0