UE3:UTGreedGame_Content (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> Actor >> Info >> GameInfo >> UTGame >> UTDeathmatch >> UTTeamGame >> UTGreedGame >> UTGreedGame_Content

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Default values

Property Value
BlueFlagType Class'UT3GoldGame.UTGreedBlueFlag'
CoinReturnSound SoundCue'A_Gameplay_UT3G.Greed.A_Gameplay_UT3G_Greed_DeliverSkulls01_Cue'
DefaultPawnClass Class'UTGame.UTHeroPawn'
GoalScore 100
HUDType Class'UT3GoldGame.UTGreedHUD'
PlayerReplicationInfoClass Class'UT3GoldGame.UTGreedPRI'
RedFlagType Class'UT3GoldGame.UTGreedRedFlag'
TeamAIType[0] Class'UT3GoldGame.UTGreedTeamAI'
TeamAIType[1] Class'UT3GoldGame.UTGreedTeamAI'
TeamScoreMessageClass Class'UTGameContent.UTTeamScoreMessage'

Instance functions


function bool AllowBecomeHero (UTPlayerReplicationInfo PendingHeroPRI)

Overrides: UTGame.AllowBecomeHero


function DropCoins (Controller CoinOwner, int CoinValue)

Overrides: UTGreedGame.DropCoins

Clears the coin count of CoinOwner, and spawns

CoinValue coins at CoinOwner's location


function EndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason)

Overrides: UTGame.EndGame


function Actor GetAutoObjectiveFor (UTPlayerController PC)

Overrides: UTGame.GetAutoObjectiveFor

Finds an objective for the player to complete and tells the player about it

Returns the opposing team's flag base


function bool ScoreCoinReturn (Controller Scorer)

Overrides: UTGreedGame.ScoreCoinReturn


function ScoreKill (Controller Killer, Controller Other)

Overrides: UTTeamGame.ScoreKill

Handles the spawning of the coin when a pawn dies

Clears the coin count of the killed pawn