The three virtues of a programmer: Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris. – Larry Wall

Difference between revisions of "UE3:UTScoreboardPanel (UT3)"

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m (moved properties to own page)
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Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
===Property group 'Test'===
See {{cl|UTScoreboardPanel properties}}.
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
===Property group 'UTScoreboardPanel'===
'''Type:''' [[int]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Default value:''' -1
'''Type:''' {{tl|TextureCoordinates|UIRoot|structs}}
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' {{cl|Texture2D}}
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Default value:''' 1.2
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Default value:''' True
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
If true, this scoreboard will be considered to be interactive
'''Type:''' {{tl|TextureCoordinates|UIRoot|structs}}
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' {{tl|TextureCoordinates|UIRoot|structs}}
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' {{cl|Texture2D}}
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Default value:''' 0.7
'''Type:''' {{tl|SBFontData}}
'''[[Static arrays|Array size]]:''' 4
Font Data 0 = Tiny, 1=Small, 2=Med, 3=Large
'''Default value, index 0:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|SBFontData|||Member}}
! Value
| Font
| {{cl|Font}}'EngineFonts.SmallFont'
'''Default value, index 1:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|SBFontData|||Member}}
! Value
| Font
| {{cl|MultiFont}}'UI_Fonts_Final.HUD.MF_Small'
'''Default value, index 2:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|SBFontData|||Member}}
! Value
| Font
| {{cl|MultiFont}}'UI_Fonts_Final.HUD.MF_Medium'
'''Default value, index 3:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|SBFontData|||Member}}
! Value
| Font
| {{cl|MultiFont}}'UI_Fonts_Final.HUD.MF_Large'
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' {{cl|Font}}
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[string]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' config
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Default value:''' 0.95
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Default value:''' 1.1
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[string]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' config
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' {{cl|Font}}
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' {{tl|Vector2D|Object|structs}}
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' {{cl|Texture2D}}
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Default value:''' {{cl|Texture2D}}'UI_HUD.HUD.UI_HUD_BaseC'
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
===Internal variables===
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
whether or not this list should always attempt to include the local player's PRI, skipping other players if necessary to make it fit
'''Default value:''' True
'''Type:''' [[string]]
'''[[Static arrays|Array size]]:''' 32
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[string]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[string]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[string]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
We cache this so we don't have to resize everything for a mouse click
'''Type:''' [[float]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[string]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' localized
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Default value:''' "Ping"
'''Type:''' {{cl|UTPlayerController}}
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[array]]<{{cl|UTPlayerReplicationInfo}}>
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
Holds a list of PRI's currently being worked on.  Note it cleared every frame
'''Type:''' [[float]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[float]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' [[int]]
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
The Player Index of the currently selected player
'''Type:''' {{tl|Color|Object|structs}}
'''[[Static arrays|Array size]]:''' 2
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' transient
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Type:''' {{cl|UTUIScene_Hud}}
Cached reference to the HUDSceneOwner
===Default values===
{| class="list defaults"
! Property
! Value
| {{tl|DefaultStates||UIScreenObject}}[3]
| [[Types#Class|Class]]'{{cl|UIState_Active|Engine}}'
| {{tl|DefaultStates||UIScreenObject}}[4]
| [[Types#Class|Class]]'{{cl|UIState_Focused|Engine}}'
'''Class:''' {{cl|UIComp_Event|Engine}}
'''Inherits from:''' {{tl|WidgetEventComponent|UTDrawPanel}}
''No new values.''

Latest revision as of 06:36, 16 August 2009

UT3 Object >> UIRoot >> UIScreenObject >> UIObject >> UTUI_Widget >> UTDrawPanel >> UTScoreboardPanel
Direct subclasses:
UTDuelQueueScoreboardPanel, UTTDMScoreboardPanel
This class in other games:

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


See UTScoreboardPanel properties.



Defines the different font sizes




Holds the font data. We cache the max char height for quick lookup

Font Font 
int CharHeight 



delegate OnSelectionChange (UTScoreboardPanel TargetScoreboard, UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI)




event DrawPanel ()

Overrides: UTDrawPanel.DrawPanel

Draw the Scoreboard


event GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames (out array<nameout_KeyNames)

Overrides: UIScreenObject.GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames

Setup Input subscriptions


event PostInitialize ()

Overrides: UIScreenObject.PostInitialize

Called after this screen object's children have been initialized

Other instance functions[edit]

See UTScoreboardPanel instance functions.