UE3:UT MDB GR FactoryReplacer (UT3)
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UT_MDB_GameRules >> UT_MDB_GR_Replacer >> UT_MDB_GR_FactoryReplacer (custom) |
- Package:
- UT_GameDex
// Class: UT_MDB_GR_FactoryReplacer
// Creation date: 11/08/2008 15:39
// Last updated: 11/04/2010 23:19
// Contributors: 00zX
//TODO: Make sure only 1 factory replaces current
//eg. 2 entries want to replace the same factory.
//TODO: Only check subclasses of factories as required
//no need to check otherwise.
// Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
class UT_MDB_GR_FactoryReplacer extends UT_MDB_GR_Replacer
/** Global Factories to replace */
struct FactoryReplacer extends Replacer
var name ReplacedWithName;
var string ReplacedWithPath;
// var name NextFactory, LastFactory;
ReplacedWithName=NavigationPoint //TODO: ReplaceWith=None
var config array<FactoryReplacer> ReplacerSet;
/** Factories to replace on a Per Map basis - Get from global when not found */
struct MapFactoryReplacerSet extends MapReplacer
var array<FactoryReplacer> ToReplace;
var config array<MapFactoryReplacerSet> MapReplacerSet;
function Init()
// local Sequence GSeq;
// local array<SequenceObject> AllFactoryActions;
// local UTActorFactoryPickup PickupFactory;
// local int i, iSeq;
local int iMap, iRep;
local MapFactoryReplacerSet NewMapReplacerSet;
local name ReplacedName;
if(GameData.CurMap != "")
//Initialize Factory Replacement
`logd("FactoryReplacer: Using Per Map Factory Replacer Settings!",,'GameExp');
iMap = MapReplacerSet.Find('Map', GameData.CurMap);
if(iMap != INDEX_NONE)
//Moves Per Map Settings to the Global Array for use.
iRep = MapReplacerSet[iMap].ToReplace.Find('ReplacedName', ReplacedName);
if(iRep != INDEX_NONE)
//Moves Per Map Settings to the Global Array for use.
ReplacerSet[iRep].ReplacedName = MapReplacerSet[iMap].ToReplace[iRep].ReplacedName;
ReplacerSet[iRep].ReplacedWithName = MapReplacerSet[iMap].ToReplace[iRep].ReplacedWithName;
ReplacerSet[iRep].ReplacedWithPath = MapReplacerSet[iMap].ToReplace[iRep].ReplacedWithPath;
NewMapReplacerSet.Map = GameData.CurMap;
// `logd("ItemMgr: "$IR,,'GameExp');
// also check if any Kismet actor factories spawn powerups
/* GSeq = UT_MDB_GameExp(Master).GameData.CurWorldInfo.GetGameSequence();
if(GSeq != None)
GSeq.FindSeqObjectsByClass(class'SeqAct_ActorFactory', true, AllFactoryActions);
for(i = 0; i < AllFactoryActions.length; i++)
PickupFactory = UTActorFactoryPickup(SeqAct_ActorFactory(AllFactoryActions[i]).Factory);
if(PickupFactory != None && ClassIsChildOf(PickupFactory.InventoryClass, class'UTInventory'))
iSeq = ReplacerSet.Find('ReplaceItem', PickupFactory.InventoryClass.name);
if(iSeq != Index_None)
PickupFactory.InventoryClass = ReplacerSet[iSeq].WithItem;
// `logd("UTActorFactoryPickup = "$PathName(PickupFactory)$"; UTActorFactoryPickup.InventoryClass = "$PickupFactory.InventoryClass,,'GameExp');
function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other)
local int iMap, iRep;
//Start Factory Replacer Module | TODO: Run this only on map start!@
if(ReplacerSet.length > 0)
iRep = ReplacerSet.find('ReplacedName', Other.class.name);
if(iRep != Index_None)
if(Other.class.name != ReplacerSet[iRep].ReplacedWithName)
//ReplaceWith(Other, AppendPackageNameFor(FD.FactoriesSet[iRep].ReplacedWithFactory));
UTMutator(Master).ReplaceWith(Other, ReplacerSet[iRep].ReplacedWithPath);
`logd("FactoryReplacer: Factory: "$Other$" Replaced With: "$ReplacerSet[iRep].ReplacedWithPath,,'GameExp');
return false;
//if(UTVehicleFactory(Other) != UTVehicleFactory_TrackTurretBase(Other))
iMap = MapReplacerSet.Find('Map', GameData.CurMap);
if(iMap != INDEX_NONE)
iRep = MapReplacerSet[iMap].ToReplace.Find('ReplacedName', Other.Name);
if(iRep != INDEX_NONE)
MapReplacerSet[iMap].ToReplace[iRep].ReplacedName = Other.Name;
//UpdatePerMapEntry(iMap, PickupFactory(Other));
//TODO: Will add entry for every factory in the map, do not want!
/* else if(iRep == INDEX_NONE)
NewReplacerSet.ReplacedName = Other.Name;
// AddPerMapEntry(iMap, PickupFactory(Other));
return true;
/** Creates Empty Arrays for All Maps -slow */
/*function FillAllDummies(array<string> AllMaps)
local array<MapFactoryReplacerSet> NewPerMapFactorySet;
local int i;
for(i=0;i < AllMaps.length;i++)
NewPerMapFactorySet[i].Map = AllMaps[i];
PerMapFactorySet.Insert(NewPerMapFactorySet, 1);
* Checks to see if the factory is a pickup or vehicle factory.
* Notes: Could have an array here for classes which allow this to be used with them
* Excess Function Call, Redundant but cleaner code!
* @param Factory Any subclass of Navigation Point, usually a Pickup or Vehicle Factory
function bool CheckNavPoint(NavigationPoint NavPoint)
if(NavPoint == None)
return false;
/* if(!ClassIsChildOf(Factory.class ,class'PickupFactory') ||
!ClassIsChildOf(Factory.class ,class'UTVehicleFactory'))
return false;*/
return true;
* ASSIGN - Bind a new key to a new value
* Adds a Global Value to the Factory Replacer Set Array.
* @param Factory Any subclass of Navigation Point, usually a Pickup or Vehicle Factory
function AddGlobalEntry(NavigationPoint NavPoint)
local FactoryReplacer NewReplacerSet;
//Optimize: Excess function call?!
// `logd("FactoryList: "$Factory.Name$" added to Factory List!",,'FactoryReplacer');
NewReplacerSet.ReplacedName = NavPoint.Name;
* ASSIGN - Bind a new key to a new value
* @param iMap Map Index, pointer to Map in the dynamic array
* @param Factory Any subclass of Navigation Point, usually a Pickup or Vehicle Factory
function AddPerMapEntry(int iMap, NavigationPoint NavPoint)
local FactoryReplacer NewReplacerSet;
// `logd("FactoryList: "$Factory.Name$" added to Per Map Factory Set!",,'FactoryReplacer');
NewReplacerSet.ReplacedName = NavPoint.Name;
* REASSIGN - if key is found update it
* @param iMap Map Index, pointer to Map in the dynamic array
* @param Factory Any subclass of Navigation Point, usually a Pickup or Vehicle Factory
function UpdatePerMapEntry(int iMap, int iRep, NavigationPoint NavPoint)
// `logd("FactoryList: "$Factory.Name$" set entry updated!",,'FactoryReplacer');
MapReplacerSet[iMap].ToReplace[iRep].ReplacedName = NavPoint.Name;