My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.

Unreal Wiki:Scratchpad

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Revision as of 13:11, 28 August 2008 by OlympusMons (Talk | contribs)

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// put your code here

 * uscript.php
 * ---------------------------------
 * Author: <name> (<e-mail address>)
 * Copyright: (c) 2004 <name> (<website URL>)
 * Release Version: 1.0.0
 * CVS Revision Version: $Revision: 1057 $
 * Date Started: <date started>
 * Last Modified: $Date: 2008-03-16 16:55:34 +0100 (So, 16 Mär 2008) $
 * <name-of-language> language file for GeSHi.
 * <any-comments...>
 * -------
 * <date-of-release> (1.0.0)
 *  -  First Release
 * TODO (updated <date-of-release>)
 * -------------------------
 * <things-to-do>
 *     This file is part of GeSHi.
 *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * uscript.php
 * ----------
 * Author: Graham Knop (
 * Copyright: (c) 2007 Graham Knop
 * Release Version:
 * Date Started: 2007/12/17
 * UScript language file for GeSHi.
 $language_data = array (
    'LANG_NAME' => 'UnrealScript',
    'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '//', 2 => '#'),
    'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
    'QUOTEMARKS' => array(1 => '"', 2 => "'"),
    'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
    'KEYWORDS' => array(
        1 => array(
            'within', 'while', 'void', 'vector4', 'vector2d', 'vector', 'vect', 'var', 'until', 'unreliable'
            , 'twovectors', 'true', 'travel', 'transient', 'tpov', 'then', 'texture', 'switch', 'super'
            , 'structdefaultproperties', 'struct', 'string', 'stop', 'static', 'state', 'sound', 'skip'
            , 'singular', 'simulated', 'showcategories', 'server', 'self', 'scriptconst', 'scale', 'safereplace'
            , 'rotator', 'rotation', 'rot', 'rng', 'return', 'repnotify', 'replication', 'removeitem', 'remove'
            , 'reliable', 'register', 'region', 'rangevector', 'range', 'quat', 'protected', 'private'
            , 'preoperator', 'postoperator', 'pointer', 'plane', 'placeable', 'perobjectlocalized'
            , 'perobjectconfig', 'out', 'optional', 'operator', 'nousercreate', 'notplaceable', 'notforconsole'
            , 'noteditinlinenew', 'nontransient', 'nontransactional', 'none', 'noimport', 'noexport', 'noclear'
            , 'new', 'nativereplication', 'native', 'name', 'mutable', 'model', 'mesh', 'matrix', 'long'
            , 'localized', 'local', 'linearcolor', 'length', 'latent', 'iterator', 'invariant', 'intrinsic'
            , 'intpoint', 'interpcurvepoint', 'interpcurve', 'interp', 'int', 'instanced', 'insertitem'
            , 'insert', 'input', 'init', 'inherits', 'import', 'implements', 'immutable', 'ignores', 'if'
            , 'hideparent', 'hidedropdown', 'hidecategories', 'guid', 'goto', 'globalconfig', 'global'
            , 'function', 'foreach', 'for', 'float', 'find', 'final', 'false', 'extends', 'exportstructs'
            , 'export', 'explicit', 'expands', 'exec', 'event', 'enumcount', 'enum', 'end', 'else', 'editoronly'
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            , 'editconstarray', 'editconst', 'edfindable', 'each', 'duplicatetransient'
            , 'dontcollapsecategories', 'do', 'deprecated', 'dependson', 'delete', 'delegate'
            , 'defaultproperties', 'default', 'databinding', 'cylinder', 'coords', 'continue', 'const', 'config'
            , 'compressedposition', 'color', 'collapsecategories', 'coerce', 'client', 'class', 'catch', 'case'
            , 'cacheexempt', 'byte', 'break', 'boxspherebounds', 'box', 'boundingvolume', 'boundingbox', 'bool'
            , 'begin', 'automated', 'autoexpandcategories', 'auto', 'assert', 'arraycount', 'array', 'always'
            , 'additem', 'add', 'abstract'
    'SYMBOLS' => array(
        '~=', '~', '||', '|', 'dot', 'cross', 'clockwisefrom', '^^', '^', '@=', '@', '>>>', '>>', '>=', '>'
        , '==', '<=', '<<', '<', '/=', '/', '-=', '--', '-', '+=', '++', '+', '*=', '**', '*', '&&', '&'
        , '%', '$=', '$', '!=', '!'
    'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
        GESHI_COMMENTS => true,
        1 => false,
        2 => false,
        3 => false,
        4 => false,
        5 => false,
    'STYLES' => array(
        'KEYWORDS' => array(
            1  => 'color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold' # control structures
        'COMMENTS' => array(
            1 => 'color: #339966; font-style: italic;',
            2 => 'color: #00FF00; font-weight: bold;',
            'MULTI' => 'color: #339966; font-style: italic;'
        'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
            0 => ''
        'BRACKETS' => array(
            0 => ''
        'STRINGS' => array(
            1 => 'color: #808080;',
            2 => 'color: #FF0000;'
        'NUMBERS' => array(
            0 => 'color: #FF00FF;'
        'METHODS' => array(
        'SYMBOLS' => array(
        'REGEXPS' => array(
        'SCRIPT' => array(
    'URLS' => array(
    'OOLANG' => true,
    'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
    'REGEXPS' => array(
    'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
    'TAB_WIDTH' => 4

//	Class: UTMutator_GameExpansion
//	Creation date: 06/12/2007 08:10
//	Last updated: 18/08/2008 01:13
//	Contributors: OlympusMons(/d!b\)
//SuperClass for all Game Expansion types
//covers alot of the base functionality which will
//be reused alot through these.
//TODO: Can be used to auto assign groups based on what
//adjustments are made.
class UTMutator_GameExpansion extends UTMutator
/** Version number for this Game Expasion Mutator. */
var int Mutator_VERSION;
/** Controller for this Mutator. Not a good idea to use this unless you have to! */
var class<PlayerController> PCClass< SEMI >
//var Controller	aPlayer;
/** Pawn for this Mutator. Not a good idea to use this unless you have to! */
var class<Pawn> PClass< SEMI >
/** HUD for this Mutator. */
var class<HUD> HUDClass< SEMI >
/** Class to use for this expansions player replication */
var class<UTLinkedReplicationInfo> LRIPath;
/** GameRules for this Mutator. */
var class<GameRules> GRClass< SEMI >
/** New InventoryType for Jumpboots Factory */
var class<Inventory> NewBootInventoryType;
var class<UTCheatManager> CMClass< SEMI >
/** New Default inventory. Gets passed to Default Inventory array when bool is true! */
var bool bUseNewDefaultInventory;
var array< class<Inventory> >	NewDefaultInventory;
var bool bAllowTranslocator;
//Info Actor Attachements
struct ActorInfo
//	var Actor AttachedToActor;
	var name AttachedToActor;
	var class<Info> AttachedInfo;
var array<ActorInfo> Info_Attachments;
/** Factory Replacement/Per Map Factory Replacement */
var FactoryReplacer_Data FactoryReplacer;
var class<FactoryReplacer_Data> FactoryReplacerDataClass< SEMI >
/** This mutator uses Per Map Setting from the FactoryReplacer */
//var config bool bUsePerMapSettings;
/** Name of the Loaded Map */
var string CurrentMap;
/** Logging */
var UTPawn LastLoggedPawn;
var string LastLoggedMap;
function GetServerDetails(out GameInfo.ServerResponseLine ServerState)
	local int i;
	i = ServerState.ServerInfo.Length;
	ServerState.ServerInfo.Length = i+1;
	ServerState.ServerInfo[i].Key = "MF Version";
	ServerState.ServerInfo[i++].Value = "v0.4";
//	ServerState.ServerInfo[i++].Value = ""$(Mutator_VERSION / 10)$"."$int(Mutator_VERSION % 10);
function InitMutator(string Options, out string ErrorMessage)
	local UTGame Game;
//	local bool bInPerMapList;
//	local MapFactoryReplacementSettings NewPerMapFactorySettings;
//	local byte k;
	local int i, MapIndex;	//j,
//TODO: Update this so the linked list works better!
/*	WorldInfo.Game.AddGameRules(GRClass);
	if(WorldInfo.Game.GameRulesModifiers != None)
		for (GR = WorldInfo.Game.GameRulesModifiers; GR != None; GR = GR.NextGameRules)
//			if(RelicsRules(GR) != None)
//				SetRules(RelicsRules(GR));
	CurrentMap = WorldInfo.GetMapName(true);
	if(LastLoggedMap != CurrentMap)
		`log("Current Map: "$CurrentMap,,'GameExpansion');
		LastLoggedMap = CurrentMap;
	Game = UTGame(WorldInfo.Game);
	if(Game != None)
		Game.bAllowTranslocator = bAllowTranslocator;
		if(PClass != None)
			Game.DefaultPawnClass = PClass< SEMI >
			`log("Pawn: "$PClass.Name,,'GameExpansion');
		if(PCClass != None)
			Game.PlayerControllerClass = PCClass< SEMI >
			`log("Controller: "$PCClass.Name,,'GameExpansion');
		if(HUDClass != None)
			Game.HUDType = HUDClass< SEMI >
			`log("HUD: "$HUDClass.Name,,'GameExpansion');
			if(NewDefaultInventory.length > 1)
				Game.DefaultInventory.length = NewDefaultInventory.length;
				for(i = 0; i < Game.DefaultInventory.length; i++)
					Game.DefaultInventory[i] = NewDefaultInventory[i];
					`logd("DefaultLoadout: "$Game.DefaultInventory[i]);
				/*	i = Game.DefaultInventory.Length + 1;
					Game.DefaultInventory[i+1] = class'GravBelt.GravBelt';*/
	if(GRClass != None)
		//TODO: Search linkedlist and `log all GameRules
		`log("GameRules: "$GRClass.Name,,'GameExpansion');
	else if (InStr(WorldInfo.GetGameClass().name, "Invasion")!=-1)
		WorldInfo.Game.PlayerReplicationInfoClass = class'BattlePRIInvasion';
	if(FactoryReplacerDataClass != None)
		FactoryReplacer = new(self) FactoryReplacerDataClass< SEMI >
	if(FactoryReplacer != None)
			`logd("Using Per Map Factory Replacement Settings!",,'GameExpansion');
			//TODO: Parse commandline options for this?
			MapIndex = FactoryReplacer.PerMapFactorySettings.Find('Map', CurrentMap);
			if(MapIndex != INDEX_NONE)
				`logd("Using Global Factory Replacement Settings!",,'GameExpansion');
	Super.InitMutator(Options, ErrorMessage);
//Replacement functions
function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other)
	local UTPickupFactory_JumpBoots BootFactory;
	local int i, j, MapIndex, FactoryIndex;
	local UTPlayerController UTPlayer;
	UTPlayer = UTPlayerController(Controller(other));
	if(UTPlayer != None && CMClass != None)
		UTPlayer.CheatClass = CMClass< SEMI >
	//Factory Replacement! TODO: Check for pathing issues with doing this
//	if(Other.IsA(PickupFactory))
//	{
	if(FactoryReplacer != None)
		for(j = 0;j < FactoryReplacer.Length();j++)
			if(Other.IsA(FactoryReplacer.ReplacementFactories[j].ReplacedFactory) &&
				ReplaceWith(Other, FactoryReplacer.ReplacementFactories[j].ReplacedWithFactoryPath);
				`logd("Factory: "$Other$" Replaced With: "$FactoryReplacer.ReplacementFactories[j].ReplacedWithFactoryPath,,'Replacement');
				return false;
//			else if(ReplacementFactories[j].ReplacedWithFactory ~= "Remove"){
//				Factory.Deactivate();			//Deactivate Factory!
//			}
		MapIndex = FactoryReplacer.PerMapFactorySettings.Find('Map', CurrentMap);
		if(MapIndex != INDEX_NONE)
			//TODO: Will add entry for every factory in the map, do not want!
			FactoryIndex = FactoryReplacer.PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace.Find('ReplacedFactory', PickupFactory(Other).Name);
			if(FactoryIndex == INDEX_NONE)
				FactoryReplacer.AddPerMapEntry(MapIndex, PickupFactory(Other));
			else if(FactoryIndex != INDEX_NONE)
				FactoryReplacer.UpdatePerMapEntry(MapIndex, PickupFactory(Other));
	if(UTVehicleFactory(Other) != UTVehicleFactory_TrackTurretBase(Other))
//	ModifyVehicle(UTVehicle(Other));
	//Replace Jumpboots with NewBootInventoryType!
	BootFactory = UTPickupFactory_JumpBoots(Other);
	if(BootFactory != None && NewBootInventoryType != None)
		BootFactory.InventoryType = NewBootInventoryType;
		`logd("BootFactory: "$BootFactory$"."$BootFactory.InventoryType,,'Replacement');
	//Spawn/Attach Info's
	for(i = 0;i < Info_Attachments.Length;i++)
			Spawn(Info_Attachments[i].AttachedInfo, Other);
			`logd("Info: "$Info_Attachments[i].AttachedInfo$" Attached to: "$Info_Attachments[i].AttachedToActor,,'Info Attachment');
	return true;
function ReplaceVehicle(UTVehicleFactory Factory)
	if(Factory == None && Factory.VehicleClass == None)
	`logd("Factory: "$Factory$"."$Factory.VehicleClass,,'Replacement');
//Modify functions
function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other)
	local UTPawn P;
	P = UTPawn(Other);
	if(P != None)
//TODO: Support for Spawning PawnInfo's
//		Spawn(Class'HammerPlayerInfo', Other);
//		`logd("FireInfoSpawned",,'FastWeapSwitch');
function ModifyPawn(UTPawn P)
	if(P == None)
	if(LastLoggedPawn != P)
		`logd("Pawn: "$P,,'Modify');
		LastLoggedPawn = P;
/*function ModifyVehicle(UTVehicle V)
	V = UTVehicle(Other);
	if (V != None)
		`log("Vehicle: "$V);
/** Added to allow Gametype hook to UTLinkedReplicationInfo.
Similar to Info attachment method but instead links a replication info to the PRI.*/
//NOTE: Should be called from check replacement!
function AddReplicationInfo(Actor Other)
	local UTLinkedReplicationInfo LRI;
	local UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI;
//	foreach dynamicactors(class'PlayerController', pc) {
	PRI = UTPlayerReplicationInfo(Other);
	if(PRI != None && LRIPath != None)
		if(PRI.CustomReplicationInfo != None)
			LRI = PRI.CustomReplicationInfo;
//			while(LRI.NextReplicationInfo != None)
//			{
//				LRI = LRI.NextReplicationInfo;
//			}
			LRI.NextReplicationInfo = Spawn(LRIPath, Other.Owner);
			`logd("NextReplicationInfo: "$LRI.NextReplicationInfo,,'GameExpansion');
			PRI.CustomReplicationInfo = Spawn(LRIPath, Other.Owner);
			`logd("CustomReplicationInfo: "$PRI.CustomReplicationInfo,,'GameExpansion');
class UTMutator_Bloodlust extends UTMutator_GameExpansion;
//	ReplacementFactories(0)=(ReplacedFactory="UTPickupFactory_UDamage", ReplacedWithFactory="UTPickupFactory_VDamage", ReplacedWithFactoryPath="Newtators.UTPickupFactory_VDamage")
//	Class: FactoryReplacer_Data
//	Creation date: 11/08/2008 15:39
//	Last updated: 18/08/2008 01:13
//	Contributors: OlympusMons(/d!b\)
class FactoryReplacer_Data extends Object
//	abstract;
/** Map is not found on the list, create a new entry in the ini using the defaults. */
var bool bCheckMapFactoryList;
struct FactoryReplace
	var name ReplacedFactory;
	var name ReplacedWithFactory;
	var string ReplacedWithFactoryPath;
//	structdefaultproperties{iID=-1}
struct MapFactoryReplacementSettings
	var string Map;
	var array<FactoryReplace> FactoriesToReplace;
/** Global Factories to replace */
var config array<FactoryReplace> ReplacementFactories;
/** Factories to replace on a Per Map basis */
var config array<MapFactoryReplacementSettings> PerMapFactorySettings;
/** This mutator uses Per Map Setting from the FactoryReplacer */
var config bool bUsePerMapSettings;
var bool	bEditsMade;
var int		iVersion;
function EditMade()
	bEditsMade = true;
/*function ClearList()
	Maps.Length = 0;
function SaveEdits()
		bEditsMade = false;
function int Length()
//	if()
//	else
//		return(PerMapFactorySettings.Length);
/*static function int StaticLength()
	return (default.Maps.Length);
//TODO: Function which outs ReplacementFactories to ReplaceWith() in GameExpansion
function SetupPerMapData(int MapIndex, out optional string Options)
	local int k;
	//TODO: Parse commandline options for this?
	for(k=0; k < ReplacementFactories.length; k++)
		//Moves Per Map Settings to the Global Array for use.
		ReplacementFactories[k].ReplacedFactory = PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace[k].ReplacedFactory;
		ReplacementFactories[k].ReplacedWithFactory = PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace[k].ReplacedWithFactory;
		ReplacementFactories[k].ReplacedWithFactoryPath = PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace[k].ReplacedWithFactoryPath;
//	EditMade();
function AddDummyMapEntry(string CurrentMap)
	local MapFactoryReplacementSettings NewPerMapFactorySettings;
	//Adds Map Name only entry if none is found!
	NewPerMapFactorySettings.Map = CurrentMap;
//	bCheckMapFactoryList = True;
//	EditMade();
function AddPerMapEntry(int MapIndex, PickupFactory Factory)
	local FactoryReplace NewFactoriesToReplace;
//	local int FactoryIndex;
	if(Factory == None)
	//Factory is not in the list, add it!
	`logd("FactoryList: "$Factory.Name$" added to Per Map Factory List!",,'FactoryReplacer');
//	if(VehiclesToReplace[Index].NewClassPath != "")
	NewFactoriesToReplace.ReplacedFactory = Factory.Name;
//	NewFactoriesToReplace.ReplacedWithFactory = ReplacementFactories[k].ReplacedWithFactory;
//	NewFactoriesToReplace.ReplacedWithFactoryPath = Factory.ReplacedWithFactoryPath;
	//TODO: Only need to save once all edits are made! This will be iterated!
//	EditMade();
function UpdatePerMapEntry(int MapIndex, PickupFactory Factory)
//	local FactoryReplace NewFactoriesToReplace;
	local int FactoryIndex;
	if(Factory == None)
	FactoryIndex = PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace.Find('ReplacedFactory', Factory.Name);
	if(FactoryIndex == INDEX_NONE)
		//Factory is in the list... Change it? :S
		`logd("FactoryList: "$Factory.Name$" Changed!",,'FactoryReplacer');
		PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace[FactoryIndex].ReplacedFactory = Factory.Name;
//		PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace[FactoryIndex].ReplacedWithFactory = Factory.ReplacedWithFactory;
//		PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace[FactoryIndex].ReplacedWithFactoryPath = Factory.ReplacedWithFactoryPath;
	//TODO: Only need to save once all edits are made! This will be iterated!
//	EditMade();
/** Map is not found on the list, create a new entry in the ini using the global settings. */
/*static function MapCreateEntry(string CurrentMap, PickupFactory Factory)
	local FactoryReplace NewFactoriesToReplace;
	local int MapIndex, FactoryIndex;
	if(ReplacedFactory == None)
	//TODO: Move to UI?
		MapIndex = PerMapSettings.Find('Map', CurrentMap);
		if(MapIndex != INDEX_NONE)
			//TODO: Will add entry for every factory in the map, do not want!
			FactoryIndex = PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace.Find('OldClassName', Factory.Name);
			if(FactoryIndex == INDEX_NONE)
				//Factory is not in the list, add it!
				`logd("FactoryList: "$ReplacedFactory.Name$" added to Per Map Factory List!",,'FactoryReplacer');
//				if(VehiclesToReplace[Index].NewClassPath != "")
				NewFactoriesToReplace.ReplacedFactory = Factory.ReplacedFactory;
				NewFactoriesToReplace.ReplacedWithFactory = Factory.ReplacedWithFactory;
				NewFactoriesToReplace.ReplacedWithFactoryPath = Factory.ReplacedWithFactoryPath;
			else if(FactoryIndex != INDEX_NONE)
				//Factory is in the list... Change it? :S
				`logd("FactoryList: "$ReplacedFactory.Name$" Changed!",,'FactoryReplacer');
				PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace[FactoryIndex].ReplacedFactory = Factory.ReplacedFactory;
				PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace[FactoryIndex].ReplacedWithFactory = Factory.ReplacedWithFactory;
				PerMapFactorySettings[MapIndex].FactoriesToReplace[FactoryIndex].ReplacedWithFactoryPath = Factory.ReplacedWithFactoryPath;
//		SaveConfig();
//		EditMade();
//	Class: Data_BloodLust
//	Creation date: 22/08/2008 05:21
//	Contributors: OlympusMons(/d!b\)
class Data_BloodLust extends FactoryReplacer_Data;
	ReplacementFactories(0)=(ReplacedFactory="UTPickupFactory_UDamage", ReplacedWithFactory="UTPickupFactory_VDamage", ReplacedWithFactoryPath="Newtators.UTPickupFactory_VDamage")