Mostly Harmless


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Hi all, I'm Aimee, new here to the wiki as a registered member but have accessed it a few times over the past eep too many years ;)

I play when I get the chance between Work, Uni & Home. Which is no where near as much as I would like, but until they approve cloning I guess I'm stuck with trying to juggle everything :S

At the moment, I'm heavily into Guild Wars, but have played Unreal based games for around ten years now. My favorite game of all time would have to be Wheel of Time, I still play it (mainly SP) and have played it since it was released in Australia in 2000. I'm a member of the WoT Maps Administration team and am also a reviewer for WoT Maps.

Anything else you want to know about me, just ask. I'm usually in the #beyondunreal chat room on ETG :)