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User:Candee Sweet

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I'm pretty fond of Unreal Gold, and I'm trying to get a better feel of Unreal Editor 1.0. However, I can't seem to find answers specific to some of the issues I have with this particular mapping program.

These are some things I have issues with in Unreal Ed 1.0:

Lighting in Outdoor Areas

So, currently, I'm trying to make the moonlight look as realistic as possible on the ground and the walls. I downloaded a skybox called "night sky" and tinkered with the lighting to make the light hit the clouds just right in that area. That was easy. But getting the lighting on the ground to match the light being "cast" by the "moon" is difficult in the outdoor areas for me. I'm not sure what effect, if any, is used to create the results I want.

Problem Solved, to some extent: I've managed to pull this off using the Cylinder setting in the lighting section of the light properties.

Making Cut Scenes/FMVs

I've heard that this requires knowledge and skill with Interpolation Points. I've also heard that this is time consuming. I've heard of Matinee, but that program is not for use with Unreal Ed 1.0 [?]. It would be nice if I could find a similar application, compatible with my Unreal Editor.

Lifts with Triggers that Don't Work on Either End

I made a lift. Nothing fancy; it just goes down when I step onto it, and then back up after I'm off of it. So what happens if I need to get back up there? I thought I solved this by making buttons for the lift. But once I tried to add lift call buttons... like one would for a given lift... problems. I tried toggling the triggers, changing the Initial state of the lift itself. If it wasn't the lift refusing to budge when I stepped onto it, it was the button malfunctioning. So I usually end up doing away with the lift and replacing it with a flight of stairs. speaking of flights of stairs...

Making Spiral and Curved Staircases

I don't know how I can get the staircases right inside my fort..the curved staircases looked more promising than the spiral ones at first, because I was afraid the spirals would be impossible to navigate. I found this intimidating. I can get the curved stairs to go where I want, but then there's the matter of subtracting the unwanted solid matter to create a more usable staircase.

Portals That Just Aren't

Why is it that when I make the portals, I end up facing backward? Does my player have a death wish? Is she trying to get clobbered by that stinky titan behind her?

Teleporting Actors That Just Won't

I wonder what I'm doing wrong? I know the area at the end of the first level should be the same as the area at the beginning of the next, and I tried to do that by copying the polygons to a brush. Maybe I didn't copy enough of them? Did i get the URL wrong? How is the URL supposed to be typed in with Unreal Editor 1.0, anyway? It's different from 2.0, isn't it?

Making Sky Boxes from Scratch

I can't make one to save my life, so I end up looking for some online. so far, I've only found two prefabricated skyboxes. I'm on the hunt for more for different times of day.

Problem Solved: I made a couple of skyboxes. They're OK-looking. Looking to improve upon them, though.

Doors That Won't Show Up in the Texture I Choose

This is probably because I keep trying to use mask textures. They look good, and I try to use them for my movers sometimes... but I end up with that porcelain bubble texture instead. so much for those, huh?

Problem solved-- a "duh" moment: I'm supposed to prefabricate the doors, intersect, then export and import.