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User talk:Skary

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Revision as of 04:05, 17 December 2008 by Wormbo (Talk | contribs)

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Hello! some of you may know me as skary[WTF], but i have now started my own sniper/camper clan =<||>=DigitalDemonz, and have 2 sniper servers running. It's a project of ongoing improvement, and is in it's early stages. We're a totally team oriented clan who will be focused on good teamspeak communication skills, tactics and teamwork. We invite you come and join us on our forums for our official opening, and to help us keep the UT2k4 scene as lively as ever.

Our clan site:...............www.digital-demonz.com Sniper/camper server:........ Sniper/freeze tag server:....


"[DD]", eh? That tag is already used by a notorious cheater clan, you're going to get into trouble with server admins when using that. Anyway, welcome to the UnrealWiki, the Unreal Engine documentation site. :-) —Wormbo 11:57, 16 December 2008 (UTC)

I assure you [DD] stands for digital demonz and not for that cheater clan. had i known there was such a clan i never would have used that tag. Is there a list of clan tags somewhere? We have changed our tag =<||>=.

I already thought you weren't related to that cheater clan, and you wouldn't be the first to come up with the [DD] tag and get into trouble with e.g. UTAN.
Clans come and go too quickly, so there's probably no list that is even remotely up-to-date. What made you join UnrealWiki, btw? Correct me if I'm mistaken, but you don't seem to be involved in Unreal Engine modding. —Wormbo 11:05, 17 December 2008 (UTC)