Category:Legacy Text Mangling Alert
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This is a legacy category imported from the old Unreal Wiki. Please avoid adding new articles to it. |
Hi. You've been sent here because your edits have mangled existing text in a wiki page. We know that this was not intentional, but please read the following to see if you can avoid it happening in future:
- Don't paste in text from Microsoft Word.
- "Smart quotes" look like ugly HTML entities in wiki source text
- Please use the "typewriter apostrophe" (the one used in Wiki Markup for italic and bold text) for 'single quotes' and in words like "don't", because other, typograhpically "correct" apostrophe or single quote characters look like ugly HTML entities in wiki source text
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Pages in category "Legacy Text Mangling Alert"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.