
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT2003 :: Actor >> Triggers >> Trigger >> ComboTrigger (custom)

A custom trigger class that begins an adrenaline Combo on the player who touches it.

This class simply demonstrates:

  • Working with Triggers
  • How combos work (you'll get only the initial effect at your feet if you don't have enough adrenaline)

Source Code

<uscript> //============================================================================= // ComboTrigger. //============================================================================= class ComboTrigger extends Trigger placeable;

var Combo myCombo;

function Touch( actor Other ) { super.Touch(Other);

if( IsRelevant( Other ) ) { if( xPawn(Other) != None ) { xPawn(Other).Controller.Adrenaline = 1;

xPawn(Other).DoCombo(class'ComboBerserk'); myCombo = xPawn(Other).CurrentCombo; myCombo.AdrenalineCost = 0; } } } </uscript>

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