Legacy:Console Commands/Admin Console Commands

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

What follows is a definition of all of the server administration console commands that are in general use across all versions of the Unreal Engine.

ADMINLOGIN <password>
Login as an administrator.
Drop administrator access (warning: lethal for your player in game!).
ADMIN <command>
Perform a console command on the server's console. This effectively sends the text after the ADMIN to be interpreted as a normal console command. The vast majority of commands can be run in a practice session without the ADMIN prefix.

The following console commands will only work in a networked game when you have logged in as an administrator, and you have prefixed the command with ADMIN. e.g. ADMIN PAUSE.

SERVERTRAVEL <new level URL>?game=<new gametype>?mutator=<new mutator>
This function can be used to simply change the level, or, can also changes the level, game type, and mutator settings. TO DO: Either a link to a running the server section when it happens or cover all of the game settings in a section below. Former is probably better..
Causes the server to switch to a new level keeping the current game settings and mutator configurations/.
SET <package>.<classname> <property> <value>
This command sets the attribute property on the class package.class to value. Examples of this command can be seen below (enabling and disabling the web interface, Changing Bot Skill, Minimum Players). Refer to the INI reference for packages, classnames and properties. (Example: http://www.unrealadmin.org/modules.php?name=INI_Reference&func=ut2004 ) Note the inheritance, for example Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame MinPlayers overrides UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo MinPlayers.
SET UWeb.Webserver bEnabled <value>
Use a value of True to enable the remote admin webserver, and a value of False to disable it. This setting change requires a level change to take effect.
SET Engine.GameInfo GameDifficulty <value>
Sets Bot Skill level on next map change.
SET Engine.GameInfo MaxPlayers <value>
Limit maximum number of players
SET UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo MinPlayers <value>
Bots are added up to value of MinPlayers.
KICK <playername>
Kick a player.
KICKBAN <playername>
Kick a player and ban his/her IP. You'll need to edit your .ini file or use the remote web admin to unban their IP.
ADDBOTS <number>
This command adds a number of "bots" to the level. It may not work in Devastation (I've not tried).
This command adds a single bot of the name you specify. For example - addnamedbot malcolm would add Malcolm to the current game.
This command removes all the "bots" from the level.
In UT and UT2003 this function displays a message in the center of the screen rather than in a normal message location. This command appears not to function in Devastation. The same effect can be accomplished by simply by entering "Say # <text>" - so you can just use your Say key.
This function will exit the game. If this command is prefixed with ADMIN then it will shut down the server.
Does the same as exit.
EXEC <filename>
This function can be used to run a local script containing console commands located within the Game/System directory by default. If this command is prefixed with ADMIN then the script must be located on the server. This function is useful if you wish to configure a server quickly. You can prepare a script with all of the admin commands needed to set up the server as required and then simply EXEC it from the command line when you join the server.
This function pauses the current game. Unpausing is done by pressing PAUSE a second time.
Property Value

Dynamic arrays can be set through set MyClass MyArray (1,2,3,4,5). Static arrays cannot be set in this manner.

GET <package>.<classname> <property>
This command displays the current value of the attribute property on the class package.class.

Static arrays will only return the first element of the array in this manner.