Legacy:Create A Static Mesh

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

This is a Category:Legacy Basic Procedure tutorial page. It explains how to perform a single procedure which is required in many different contexts.


Static meshes are 3D models that never change their shape (only their position, orientation and/or their size).

You need a static mesh to create a mover in UT2003. Normally, static meshes would be created in a modeling application like Maya or 3D Studio Max, but for simple cases like a lift or door mover you can directly create them in UnrealEd.

Creating a Static Mesh in UnrealEd

  1. Create and texture the shape you want to convert to a static mesh somewhere in the world using addition brushes (static meshes have nothing to do with CSG functions–they are always "additive". Therefore, subtraction brushes do not convert properly).
  1. (optional – but a good idea) Set the desired pivot point for the new static mesh by doing the following in an orthographic view:
    • Set the grid to a size that will allow you accurately snap the pivot point to the desired location. Generally, the larger the grid size, the better.
    • Select all brushes you want to convert.
    • Place the mouse-pointer as close to the desired pivot location as possible without touching the selected brushes.
    • Right-click to get the Actor Context Menu and choose Pivot -> Place Pivot Snapped Here (you may also use Place Pivot Here, but as a rule of thumb, it's best to keep things snapped to the grid as much as possible)
    • Repeat in other views as necessary to define the desired location in 3D space.
  1. Select all brushes you want to convert (if they are not already selected).
  1. Then do one of the following:
  1. Enter a package name (you can use MyLevel to embed the static mesh in your map file), optionally a group name, and an arbitrary name for your static mesh. !Caution! : If you use a different package name, you should proceed to the Static Mesh browser at once, and save the package you put your mesh in. Not following this step will cause your mesh to be unloadable, and therefore the level will not be playable!

After these steps your textured static mesh will show up in the static mesh browser and you can, for instance, use it to create a mover.

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