<uscript> //============================================================================= // MultiJump - Allows you to jump as many times as you want! // Made/Hacked by dma. // http://www.coe.uncc.edu/~danderse/ //============================================================================= class MutMultiJump extends Mutator
var config int MaxMultiJumpCount; var config int MultiJumpBoost;
function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other) {
local xPawn x; x = xPawn(Other); if(x != None) { // Increase the number of times a player can jump in mid air x.MaxMultiJump = MaxMultiJumpCount; // Also increase a bit the amount they jump each time x.MultiJumpBoost = MultiJumpBoost; } if ( NextMutator != None )
// // server querying // function GetServerDetails( out GameInfo.ServerResponseLine ServerState ) {
// append the mutator name. local int i; i = ServerState.ServerInfo.Length; ServerState.ServerInfo.Length = i+3; ServerState.ServerInfo[i].Key = "Mutator"; ServerState.ServerInfo[i].Value = GetHumanReadableName(); ServerState.ServerInfo[i+1].Key = "MutMultiJump"; ServerState.ServerInfo[i+1].Value = String(MaxMultiJumpCount) $ " jumps"; ServerState.ServerInfo[i+2].Key = "MutMultiJump"; ServerState.ServerInfo[i+2].Value = String(MultiJumpBoost) $ " boost";
IconMaterialName="MutatorArt.nosym" ConfigMenuClassName="MultiJump.MutMultiJumpConfig" GroupName="Jumping" FriendlyName="MultiJump" Description="Jump as much as you want!" MaxMultiJumpCount=1000 MultiJumpBoost=50
} </uscript>
Mychaeel: Instead of calling NextMutator in ModifyPlayer yourself, just call Super.ModifyPlayer.
Eldhrin: Being incredibly dense here, what's the ServerDetails function for? I can't recall seeing it before...
Dma: It is supposed to add key/value pairs to the server query. The idea is that you could exclude servers that allow more than 10 jumps (because things get freaky). I don't know if it works.