From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Well, as I've made a couple changes and put my name on the few comments I made I thought I might as well make a personal page...
I'm mostly a lurker. Keep to myself. But I do enjoy company most of the time.
When UT99 was popular I was usually playing Assault online and DarkMagic or MultiCTF offline/LAN. Now that I own UT2004, I'm working on a couple mods of my own (which I may or may not release) as well as playing Assault online again. (Also pop into other gametypes here and there)
- UT2004
- Faithful
- 0xDEADBEEF (which converted to decimal is 3735928559)
- PbcJzz13
- LinuxRejekt
- 22750472
- blippitybloppity@hotmail.com (note: i do not check this e-mail address)
- ask me
EntropicLqd: Hi, welcome to the Wiki. Enjoy your stay here.
Tarquin: Hi, welcome :)