HI ya!
well hiya everybody... this is Feid.
25 May 2006
I'am back!!!
Sorry i did't get time to get involved in this wiki alot for reasons concerning SchoolWork, and other Troubles.
AGE: 15
JOB: Student
Interests: <Unreal,Quake,Doom,Half-life>Mapping and <ASM(x86),C,C++,PERL,PASCAL,COBOL,QBASIC,VB,VBA,Uscript,Java,HTML,Css,XHTML,Javascript,shellscripts(BASH,SH,CSH)>Programming..
Other interests: Reading & Writing also like to listen to PLANETROCK Music!!!!
Hobbys: Mapping For UT , Programming ,Creative Writing... everything UT and Half-life (any-version)
Skills: Mapping ideas and mapping and Programming also I Create websites for Free for companys ..etc
For Future Refrence
Is there a Problem with the Offline wikipage as all the updates seem to be old?
[@]to be placed here
Tarquin: Hi. Welcome to Unreal Wiki :)
Feid: Hi Tarquin, Thanks!
Feid: Well heck, this was a blast from the past, I spent so many hours on this site, when I was younger. 21 now and no time to enjoy UT anymore.