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What exactly does this class do except enabling alpha channels and creating UT1-style translucent textures?
- bool AlphaTest
- byte AlphaRef
- EFrameBufferBlending FrameBufferBlending
- The way the material should be modified. See EFrameBufferBlending enum below for details.
- bool TwoSided
- Whether the material should be made two-sided.
- bool ZTest
- bool ZWrite
- Setting this property to True can fix Z-order problems with complex Shaders. For example a Shader that uses a texture with an alpha channel a its Diffuse and Opacity and a ConstantColor as Specular might cause weird overdrawing effects on meshes. Instead of using the Opacity value, the Shader can be passed through a FinalBlend with ZWrite=True and FrameBufferBlending=FB_AlphaBlend for the same result without the Z-order problem.
Inherited from Modifier
- Material Material (editinlineuse)
- The material to modify.
Inherited from Material
- Material FallbackMaterial
- Material to use instead when this FinalBlend can't be displayed, e.g. because the material it modifies is too complex.
- FB_Overwrite
- FB_Modulate
- FB_AlphaBlend
- Activates the alpha channel of the material. This is useful when a texture was imported without enabling the Alpha option or when using a Combiner which can create a new alpha channel but never enables it.
- FB_AlphaModulate_MightNotFogCorrectly
- FB_Translucent
- Creates a new alpha channel based on the material's brightness. Darker areas will be more translucent, brighter areas will be less translucent.
- FB_Darken
- FB_Brighten
- FB_Invisible
Category:Legacy Class (UT2003)
Category:Legacy To Do – Explain the other properties and blending modes and add a class description.