Legacy:GUI Class Hierarchy

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

This is the class tree extending from GUI in UT2003. For a class tree of the Actor hierarchy see Actor Class Hierarchy. Mutator Config GUI (UT2003) has some information on how these classes can be used to build a configuration screen for a small mutator.

Adding new class pages

Any UT2003 GUI class page should begin with the text:

UT2003 :: GUI >> etc

Class Tree

All classes are in the xInterface package unless otherwise stated.

  |    +-GUIButton
  |    |    +-GUIEditBox
  |    |    +-GUIGFXButton
  |    |    |    +-GUICheckBoxButton
  |    |    |    +-GUIHorizGripButton
  |    |    |    +-GUIHorizScrollButton
  |    |    |    +-GUISpinnerButton
  |    |    |    +-GUIVertGripButton
  |    |    |    +-GUIVertScrollButton
  |    |    |    |    +-GUIComboButton
  |    |    |    +-LadderButton
  |    |    +-GUITabButton
  |    +-GUIHorzScrollZone
  |    +-GUIImage
  |    |    +-GUIImageList
  |    +-GUILabel
  |    +-GUIListBase
  |    |    +-GUICircularList
  |    |    |    +-GUICharacterList
  |    |    |         +-GUICharacterListTeam
  |    |    +-GUIHorzList
  |    |    +-GUIVertList
  |    |         +-GUIList
  |    |         |    +-GUIScrollText
  |    |         +-GUIMultiColumnListNot expanded here
  |    +-GUIMultiColumnListHeader
  |    +-GUIMultiComponent
  |    |    +-GUIComboBox
  |    |    +-GUIFloatEdit
  |    |    +-GUIListBoxBase
  |    |    |    +-GUIListBox
  |    |    |    +-GUIMultiColumnListBox
  |    |    |    +-GUIScrollTextBox
  |    |    +-GUIMenuOption
  |    |    |    +-moCheckBox
  |    |    |    +-moComboBox
  |    |    |    +-moEditBox
  |    |    |    +-moFloatEdit
  |    |    |    +-moNumericEdit
  |    |    +-GUINumericEdit
  |    |    +-GUIPageNot expanded here
  |    |    +-GUIPanel
  |    |    |    +-GUISplitter
  |    |    |    +-GUITabPanelNot expanded here
  |    |    +-GUIScrollBarBase
  |    |    |    +-GUIHorzScrollBar
  |    |    |    +-GUIVertScrollBar
  |    |    +-GUITabControl
  |    +-GUIProgressBar
  |    +-GUISlider
  |    +-GUITitleBar
  |    +-GUIVertScrollZone
  +-GUIFontNot expanded here
  +-GUIStylesNot expanded here

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