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GameObject is an abstract, notplaceable parentclass for all gameplay-related objects players can pick up. Most (if not all) of these objects need to be brought to a GameObjective actor (HomeBase) in order to score.
All of these properties are Hidden.
- bool bHome
- Is the object at its home location?
- bool bHeld
- Is the object being held?
- bool bDisabled
- Used to hide the object between rounds.
- bool bLastSecondSave
- UnrealPawn Holder
- The Pawn that is holding the object
- TeamPlayerReplicationInfo HolderPRI
- The holder's PlayerReplicationInfo.
- GameObjective HomeBase
- The GameObjective where the object starts out.
- float TakenTime
- When the object was taken from its home.
- float MaxDropTime
- How long the object will sit in its Dropped state before it resets.
- Controller FirstTouch
- Who touched this objective first.
- array<Controller> Assists
- Other players who held it after FirstTouch.
- name GameObjBone
- The name of the bone to attach to while held.
- vector GameObjOffset
- rotator GameObjRot
- TeamInfo OldTeam
- Used mainly by xBombFlag to keep track of when a team has gone "on offense".
- PostBeginPlay()
- Assumes the Owner is the HomeBase GameObjective.
- bool CanBeThrownBy( Pawn P )
- Returns true.
- bool CanBePickedUpBy( Pawn P )
- Returns true.
- SetHolder( Controller C )
- This function is given a Controller, and assumes that the controller's pawn is an UnrealPawn. This causes problems with the Vehicle Pickups mutator, which also allows picking up flags in vehicles. When a vehicle picks up a flag, the controller's pawn is a Vehicle, causing some accessed nones and other problems.
- Score()
- Disables Touch(), resets Location and Rotation to HomeBase and switches to state Home.
- Drop( vectro NewVel )
- Logs a drop. Sets location, velocity and switches to state Dropped.
- SendHome()
- Sets location to homebase and switches to state Home.
- SendHomeDisabled ( float Timeout )
- CalcSetHome()
- Do some cleanup before going home. Includes AI help.
- ClearHolder()
- Make sure nobody thinks they're holding the object.
- SetDisable( bool disable ) (protected)
- Sets bDisable and bHidden.
- Actor Position()
- Get the Actor that represents the object's position. May be the object itself, the home base, or the holder.
- bool IsHome
- Returns false.
- bool ValidHolder( Actor Other )
- Can the given Actor hold this object?
- Touch( Actor Other ) (singluar)
- This is where it gets picked up.
- Landed( vector HitNormall )
- Signal to bots that it's available at it's current Location.
- BaseChange() (singular, simulated)
- FellOutOfWorld(eKillZType KillType)
- Calls SendHome().
- NotReachableBy( Pawn P )
- Calls SendHome() if not reachable.
- LogTaken( Controller C )
- LogDropped
- LogReturned
Home (auto)
Ignores SendHome, Score, Drop.
- CheckTouching()
- bool IsHome()
- Returns true.
- BeginState()
- Disables Touch() during setting bHome, Location and Rotation. Enables Touch().
- EndState()
- Disables bHome to false. Sets TakenTime.
- Begin
- Sets Sleep for 0.05 seconds and calls CheckTouching(), in case enemy was sitting on HomeBase.
Ignores SetHolder, SendHome.
- BeginState()
- Sets properties associated with holding.
- EndState()
- Unsets the properties associated with holding.
Ignores Drop.
- Timer()
- Calls SendHome().
- BeingState()
- Sets Physics to PHYS_Falling and sets Timer for MaxDropTime.
- EndState()
- Sets Physics to PHYS_None.
Known Subclasses
GameObject +- CTFFlag | +- xBlueFlag | +- xRedFlag +- GameObject_EnergyCore +- xBombFlag