
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT :: Actor (UT) >> Info (UT) >> Mutator (UT) >> InstantRockets (Package: Botpack)

This mutator forces all rocket launchers to fire instantly - no more loading up 6 rockets in one go, simply fire one at a time.

Methods Inherited From Mutator (UT)

Interestingly, the mutator sets the rocket launchers to instant fire from two different functions. Beats me why though.

bool AlwaysKeep (Actor (UT) Other)
For every instance of UT_Eightball encountered, the objects bAlwaysInstant property is set to true.
bool CheckReplacement (Actor (UT) Other, out byte bSuperRelevant)
For every instance of UT_Eightball encountered, the objects bAlwaysInstant property is set to true.