Legacy:InternetLink (UT)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Parent class for Internet connection classes TcpLink and UdpLink.
See InternetLink for the UT2004 version of this class.
- ELinkMode LinkMode
- Data receive mode. (Cannot be set in default properties.)
- const int Socket
- const int Port
- const int RemoteSocket
- private native const int PrivateResolveInfo
- const int DataPending
- number of bytes pending
El Muerte TDS: Broken, is always 0 (versions up to 2166)
- EReceiveMode ReceiveMode
- Receive mode. (Cannot be set in default properties.)
ELinkMode enum
- MODE_Text
- MODE_Line
- MODE_Binary
EReceiveMode enum
- RMODE_Manual
- Received events will not be called. This means it is your responsibility to check the DataPending var and receive the data.
- RMODE_Event
- The event 'ReceivedBinary' in will be called once per-tick when incoming data is pending.
IPAddr struct
- int Addr
- int Port
Native functions
- bool IsDataPending ( )
- Returns true if data is pending on the socket.
El Muerte TDS: Broken, always returns false (versions up to 2166)
- bool ParseURL (coerce string URL, out string Addr, out int Port, out string LevelName, out string EntryName)
- Parses an Unreal URL into its component elements. Returns false if the URL was invalid.
- Resolve (coerce string Domain)
- Resolve a domain or dotted IP. Nonblocking operation. Triggers Resolved event if successful. Triggers ResolveFailed event if unsuccessful.
- int GetLastError ( )
- Returns most recent winsock error.
- string IpAddrToString (IpAddr Arg)
- Convert an IP address to a string.
- bool StringToIpAddr (string Str, out IpAddr Addr)
- Convert a string to an IP
- string Validate (string ValidationString, string GameName)
- Validate: Takes a challenge string and returns an encoded validation string.
- GetLocalIP (out IpAddr Arg)
- Resolved (IpAddr Addr)
- Called when domain resolution is successful. The IpAddr struct Addr contains the valid address.
- ResolveFailed ( )
- Called when domain resolution fails.