From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
The base class for Karma objects. Contains basic properties for use by the Karma Engine. KarmaParams extends this class and has more useful properties. Karma Actor uses this object for properties. Note: All properties are in Karma scale.
- float KFriction
- The amount of friction applied. 0 is no friction (though the object will still stop moving), and 1 is 100% friction.
- float KRestitution
- How much the object will bounce. 0 is no bounce, 1 will bounce upwards with the force the object hit the ground.
- float KImpactThreshold
- How much force is needed to call the KImapct event.
- const bool bContactingLevel
- Is true if
Contact Region
Describes the contact with the world (BSP and StaticMeshes. All these properties are const, meaning they can't be modified with UnrealScript. The native function CalcContactRegion() updates these values.
- const vector ContactRegionCenter
- const vector ContactRegion Normal
- const float ContactRegionRadius
- const float ContactRegionNormalForce
Default Properties
The default is a sphere with 1 mass and radius.
<uscript> KScale=1.000000 KScale3D=(X=1.000000,Y=1.000000,Z=1.000000) KImpactThreshold=1000000.000000 </uscript>
- CalcContactRegion() [native]
- This native function will only update the contact region properties if bContactingLevel is true.
Known subclasses
KarmaParamsCollision isn't a very useful class by itself. Karma Actors get most of their functionality from subclasses.