Please read the introduction of the Open Unreal Mod License first.
This license is almost the same with one important exception: This license grants everybody to re-use your work. Their work does not have to be released as free software.
All other rules still apply, thus modifications of your code should still be released as free software.
The license
You have to include a copy of this license with your mod.
Lesser Open Unreal Mod License Version 1.1, September 2005 0. Definitions "Program" the work, either in binary or source form, that has a notice attached to it stating that it has been released under this license it by the copyright holder. "Modification" a derivate of the Program or any other work based on the Program "Linking" using parts of the Program, or using parts of any other work, thus creating a direct dependency between two Programs. "You" the licensee "Runtime Environment" the virtual machine or operating system required to run the Program, as released by the Publisher or Creator of said runtime environment. This includes any extentions or updates for the runtime environment released by the Publisher or Creator. 1. License Herewith everybody is granted permission to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document. The only restriction lies on changing the content, with the exception to translation of this license. This license applies to the Program that has been released under this license. The license only applies to copying, distribution and modification of the Program. Execution or output of the Program are not covered by this license, however the right for additional limitations on the use (that do not cover copying, distribution or modification) is granted to the copyright holder. This license is only valid when all terms in this license comply with the licenses of the dependecies of the Program. This includes the license of the possible required runtime environment. 2. Copying and distribution You are granted to copy or distribute verbatim copies of the Program, on any medium, or in any format as you see fit. You are not limited to charging a fee for the physical act of transferring the copy, nor are you limited to provide warranty for the Program in return of a fee. Unless this is prohibited by the license of the Runtime Environment. Any distribution of the program should be accompanied with a verbatim copy of this license. 3. Modification You are allowed to modify the Program, or portions of it, therefore making it a derivate of the Program. You are allowed to distribute your Modifications under the following conditions: - You must clearly state that it is a modification of the Program - The original copyright notice must be kept intact - The modified files must contain notices of the changes made to it - The Modification must be released under the same license as the Program - Distribution happens in compliance with section 2 4. Source The original source of the Program or Modification must be freely available on request. 5. Linking The license grants exclusive right to link with any non-free part of the Runtime Environment, as provided by the publisher or creator of said Runtime Environment. Using addapted portions of source code available in the runtime environment in the Program is only allowed under the following terms: - the addapted code is clearly marked to originate from the runtime environment, quoting the original copyright. - the following notice is added to the top of the file: "This file contains portions of code from the runtime environment." 6. NON WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE DOES NOT COME WITH A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR WARRANTY PROVIDER. THE ENTIRE RISK OF THE PERFORMANCE AND QUALITY OF THE PROGRAM LIES WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU WILL ASSUME ALL COSTS FOR REQUIRED REPAIR OR CORRECTION.
How to use
When you want to release your mod under this license you have to include the above license with your mod and add the following to every source file:
<name of the program> Copyright (C) <year(s) of completion> <name of author> This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser Open Unreal Mod License version 1.1.
Important note
If you release your whole mod under this license it will also cover all other assets like maps, meshes, etc. If you do not want this you can dual license your mod (e.g. use this license for the code and a non-free license for maps).
Why should I not use this license but the OUML?
This license permits others from using your work in their non-free software. They could profit from your work without you getting anything in return.
Other versions
- Legacy:LesserOpenUnrealModLicense/Version 1.0 - deprecated
- Legacy:LesserOpenUnrealModLicense/Version 1.1 - current
Related pages
- OpenUnrealModLicense - Similar license, this one allows linking with non-free work
- Open Source
El Muerte: removed the first paragraf of section 5, thus permitting to link with everything.
Snake.PLiSKiN: Has any one really read the EULA? (Open the file \UT200x\System\License.int in windows notepad) And read section "11. Editor and End user Mods.", Im pretty sure it is a violation for any mod to have any type of copyrighted material. I really think that someone should contact epic and get a statement on this matter. Because I think epic didnt want for people to sue one another because one mod used some of the work in another mod. Everything that does not require having a license of the Unreal Engine, can be easily decompiled, if a mod author didnt like that, they need to purchase a license. If you want to really copyright your work, you need to pay for the right to do so is how I take it after reading the EULA.
El Muerte: read this: Mod Copyright, it explains it all.