From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Actor (UT) >> Menu
- See UnrealEd Menus for information on the menus in UnrealEd.
From the Menu class itself:
"Serves as a generic menu master class. Can be used with any style of menu implementation. Offers menu services such as reading input. Not dependent on any visual style."
Note: In UT all menus are part of the UWindow system and extend UWindowBase, which is not a subclass of Actor.
These menus were the "Green Menus" of Unreal I. Hopefully, Epic will kill these things off in UW once and for all. Menus should really be objects. Uwindows 4ever! (heh... -UsAaR33)
- ParentMenu
- This menu's parent menu.
- Selection
- The currently selected item. (?)
- MenuLength
- The number of items in this menu. (?)
- bConfigChanged
- bExitAllMenus
- PlayerOwner
- HelpMessage[24]
- MenuList[24]
- LeftString
- RightString
- CenterString
- EnabledString
- MenuTitle
- YesString
- NoString
- function bool ProcessSelection()
- function bool ProcessLeft()
- function bool ProcessRight()
- function bool ProcessYes()
- function bool ProcessNo()
- function SaveConfigs()
- function PlaySelectSound()
- function PlayModifySound()
- function PlayEnterSound()
- function ProcessMenuInput(coerce string InputString)
- function ProcessMenuUpdate(coerce string InputString)
- function ProcessMenuEscape()
- function ProcessMenuKey(int KeyNo, string KeyName)
- function MenuTick(float DeltaTime)
- function MenuInit()
- function DrawMenu(canvas Canvas)
- function ExitAllMenus()
- function Menu ExitMenu()
- function SetFontBrightness(canvas Canvas, bool bBright)
- function MenuProcessInput(byte KeyNum, byte ActionNum)