Legacy:Pariah Console Commands
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Most of the console commands seems to be similar to those you'll find in the Common Console Commands Console Commands
- HDraw Collision
- Shows havok collison wireframes similar to KDraw Collison.
- F3ARM3
- God mode
- All ammunition
- All single player levels
- ShhItsaSecret
- All secret content
- Toggle location stats
- P33kaB00
- Cinematics can now be skipped
- BESTBUYpwnsYou
- Exclusive Best Buy multi-player level
- Ebpwnz
- Exclusive EB Games multi-player level
- FuturePwnage
- Exclusive Future Shop multi-player level
- GameStopPwnage
- Exclusive Gamestop multi-player level
- YouGotGroove
- Exclusive Groove multi-player level
- TargetingYou
- Exclusive Target multi-player level
- TRUPwned
- Exclusive Toys R Us multi-player level
- PwnageMart
- Exclusive Walmart muti-player level
- allweapons
- All weapons
- allammo
- 999 ammunition for all weapons
- invisible [0 or 1]
- Toggle invisibility
- UnSuspendSpawning
- SuspendSpawning
- DestroyDeadBodyTimer
- GameDifficulty
- ResetMaxParticles
- ErrorMessageUnknownError
- CauseEvent
- SpawnParticle
- Amphibious
- AddVelocityMultiplierRange
- AddVelocityFromOtherEmitter
- MaxAbsVelocity
- LifetimeRange
- SecondsBeforeInactive
- RelativeBoneIndexRange
- HUDType
- killall
- loaded
- unloaded
- loadspmap
- supersquad
- oldmovie
- lightperiod
- lightcone
- getfirstmission
- pawnanimextra
- soundocclusion
- smiteevilavatar
- summon
- blindai
- bindenemies
- deafenemies
- MaxPointsPerTrail
- ParticleTrailInfo
- ParticleTrailData
- SkeletalScale
- SpinCCWorCW
- MaxSpectators
- MeshNormal
- MeshScaleRange
- VelocityScaleRange
- StartMassRange
- ErrorMessageServerDown
- AddLocationFromOtherEmitter
- DefaultPlayerName
- FearCostFallOff
- MaxFearCost
- MaxParticles
- DeathMessageClass
- GameMessageClass
- FadeInFactor
- MutatorClass
- FadeOutFactor
- AccessControlClass
- Opacity
- BroadcastHandlerClass
- ColorMultiplierRange
- PlayerControllerClassName
- GameReplicationInfoClass
- SpawnFromOtherEmitter
- GameStatsClass
- VoiceChatter
- DampingFactorRange
- ExtentMultiplier
- DrawStyle
- TriggerDisabled
- AutomaticInitialSpawning
- GetErrorMessageForErrorCode
- NumVoiceChannels
- CollisionDelayedBySpeedOfSound
- UseRegularSizeScale
- GhostToggle
- SecurityClass
OlympusMons: Ok so I added some more Ive found online, I'll remove the ones that dont work or are listed on the main console commands pages later when I try them all.