From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Structs used by ParticleEmitter classes.
Used internally to hold data of individual particles.
- int BoneIndex
- color Color
- vector ColorMultiplier
- int Flags
- int HitCount
- vector Location
- float Mass
- float MaxLifetime
- vector OldLocation
- vector OldMeshLocation
- vector RevolutionCenter
- vector RevolutionsMultiplier
- vector RevolutionsPerSecond
- vector Size
- vector SpinsPerSecond
- vector StartLocation
- vector StartSize
- vector StartSpin
- int Subdivision
- float Time
- vector Velocity
- vector VelocityMultiplier
Used by the ColorScale array.
- color Color
- The color used to draw the particle. The alpha component isn't used for most drawing modes.
- float RelativeTime
- A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that specifies the relative life time of the particle when this particular color should be used.
Used by the RevolutionScale array.
- vector RelativeRevolution
- float RelativeTime
- A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that specifies the relative life time of the particle when this particular relovution value should be used.
- range Pitch
- range Probability
- range Radius
- sound Sound
- range Volume
- int Weight
Used by the SizeScale array.
- float RelativeSize
- A multiplier for the particle's size.
- float RelativeTime
- A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that specifies the relative life time of the particle when this particular size multiplier should be used.
Used by the VelocityScale array.
- float RelativeTime
- A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that specifies the relative life time of the particle when this particular velocity multiplier should be used.
- vector RelativeVelocity
- A multiplier for the particle's velocity.