Legacy:Pickup (UT)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Abstraction for non-weapon Inventory (UT) items placed throughout a level. This includes Ammo (UT) and Health as well as powerups and usable items.
See Pickup for UT2003 pickup classes.
Known Subclasses
Pickup (UT) +- Ammo (UT) +- Amplifier (UT) +- Armor (UT) +- Dampener (UT) +- Flare (UT) +- FlashLight (UT) +- ForceField (UT) +- Health (UT) +- Invisibility (UT) – Partial Invisibility for 50 seconds. +- JumpBoots (UT) +- SCUBAGear (UT) +- Seeds (UT) +- ShieldBelt (UT) +- Suits (UT) +- TournamentHealth (UT) +- TournamentPickup (UT) +- Translator (UT) +- VoiceBox (UT) +- WeaponPowerUp (UT)