Legacy:Postal 2 Console Commands
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This is a list of console commands specific to Postal 2.
- EnableDebugMenu
- Turns the debug menu on and off
- NextItem
- The player/bot wants to select the next inventory item
- sissy
- Turns cheating on/off
- GrowHud
- Adds more info to the hud
- ShrinkHud
- Removes info from the hud
- QuickSave
- Saves current game to the Quick Save slot
- QuickLoad
- Loads game from the Quick Save slot
- RestartLevel
- Restarts the level for debugging
- ForceSissy
- Turns cheating on (no toggle)
- Fire
- The player wants to fire
- AltFire
- The player wants to alt-fire
- PrevWeapon
- Switch to previous inventory group weapon
- NextWeapon
- Switch to next inventory group weapon
- SwitchWeapon (byte F)
- The player wants to switch to weapon group F
- SwitchToBestWeapon
- Switch to the best weapon recommended by the controller
- SwitchToLastWeaponInGroup (int GroupNum)
- Find the last weapon in the group of GroupNum and switch to that. For example group 0 is the Urethra, Hands, and Clipboard. Normally we want to switch to our hands, but when we have the clipboard on Tuesday, switch to that instead.
- PrevItem
- The player wants to select previous inventory item
- ToggleInvHints
- Turns inventory and weapon hints on/off
- ShowRadar
- Pops up the radar in the HUD
- Aneurism
- Instant suicide but without killing others in the vicinity. Happens immediately, no going back
- Suicide
- Player wants to suicide
- WeaponZoom
- WeaponZoomIn
- WeaponZoomOut
- UseZipper (opt float F)
- Player wants to unzip/zip up his pants to pee
- QuickHealth
- Search through the player's inventory and use the most powerful health we have
- DudeShoutGetDown
- Shouts "Get Down"
- QuickUseMap
- Pops up the map
- RequestStats
- Look at the newspaper
- ThrowPowerup
- Toss out current powerup and switch to another powerup
- PrevInvItem
- NextInvItem
- DoKick
- Fires the pawn's MyFoot weapon
- SwitchToHands
- Switch directly to your hands weapon
- ToggleToHands
- Toggles between the hands and whatever weapon you had out
- GameOverRestart
- Doesn't do anything unless the player is dead
- DeadNextWeapon (float ZoomInc, int ZoomMin)
- Zooms the camera in when dead
- DeadPrevWeapon (float ZoomInc, int ZoomMax)
- Zooms the camera out when dead
- TCam
- Quick cheat to test multiplayer anims
- StartMe
- CountAll
- CountDynamic
- CountKarma
- ListKarma
- GrantItem (class<Inventory> NewInv)
- Gives the player a specific inventory class item. If the item doesn't already exist somewhere in the level or in the player's inventory, this will fail.
- GameSpeed (float T)
- Changes game speed... 1.0 is normal, 0.5 is half, etc.
- Alamode
- Should be "AllahMode", as in "god mode", since that's what this cheat does.
- PackNHeat
- Gives the player all weapons.
- PayLoad
- All weapons get 999 ammo, even your pisser.
- IAmSoLame
- Gives you Allah Mode, all weapons, and 999 ammo.
- PiggyTreats
- Gives lots of donuts
- JewsForJesus
- Gives lots of cash
- BoyAndHisDog
- Gives lots of doggie treats
- Jones
- Gives lots of health pipes
- SwimWithFishes
- Gives radar, cop radar plugin and gun radar plugin
- FireInYourHole
- Turns rocket camera on/off
- IAmTheOne
- Gives lots of catnip
- LotsAPussy
- Gives lots of cats
- BlockMyAss
- Gives SiC Body Armor
- SmackDatAss
- Gives player the Gimp Suit
- IAmTheLaw
- Gives player cop clothes
- Healthful
- Restores player to 100% health
- Whatchutalkinbout
- Turns all unimportant bystander pawns into Gary Colemans
- Osama
- Turns all unimportant bystander pawns into Islamic Extremists
- RockinCats
- Any weapon that can have a cat on the end of it will always have a cat on the end of it and will always shoot a cat with each round
- DokkinCats
- Cancels the RockinCats cheat
- BoppinCats
- Makes cats bounce around until they hit a person
- SplodinCats
- Cancels the BoppinCats cheat
- NowWeDance
- Shoots scissors from the machine gun
- IFeelFree
- Ghost mode
- LikeABirdy
- Flying mode
- ViewClass (class<Actor> aClass)
- Change view target, cycles through all Actors matching aClass
- Fly
- Flying mode
- Walk
- Cancel flight and ghost mode
- Ghost
- Ghost mode
- Slomo (float T)
- Changes game speed... 1.0 is normal, 0.5 is half, etc.
- FeelLuckyPunk (int T)
- Sets the ammo of the current weapon to T. If T is greater than the weapon's max ammo, it also sets the max ammo of the weapon.
- HeadShots
- Turns on instant-kill headshots
- ResetCops
- Reset the cops, so them won't hunt you
- ChangeDude
- Changes Dude's morality to the opposite
- Goto (String LevelName)
- Loads the level named LevelName
- SetDay (int Day)
- Sets the game day. 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday, ... All errands before that day will be completed
- WarpToDay (int Day)
- Warp to the specified day, without completing errands. (Day: same as SetDay)
The following three commands set all errands as completed and turns on player hate groups:
- SetAllErrandsComplete
- For the whole game (also causes apocalypse)
- SetTodaysErrandsComplete
- For the current day
- SetThisDaysErrandsComplete (int Day)
- Only for day Day (same as SetDay)
- SetThisErrandComplete (String Name)
- Set the errand specified by N as complete
- SetAllErrandsUnComplete
- Set all errands as uncompleted and turns off hate groups
- ClearInventoryHints
- Reset invertory/weapon hints, so they will show up again