Generic framework for developing class-based or campaign based mods. Based on the UT2004 build of Riftwar, this removes all specific Riftwar material as well as out-of-scope concepts like three teams. Basically RgE is just supposed to be a clean build to use as an example for building a simple campaign mod, class-based mod or potential variants. Since Riftwar, I've used this and passed it on to a few other projects as well.
RgE also includes versatile keybinds, something which is possibly outdated now but allows for flexible keybinding within a mod outside of Epic's structure (it more or less rides on top of it). There is also an example game.
It's not intended to be included wholesale into another mod. Including the RegularEngine package in your mod may very well conflict with someone else's, especially if they made the unwise mistake of altering the code.
If one was to use this, my suggestion would be to copy the code into another folder and change every "Regular" to "MyModName".
~= RegularX
Download here
RegularEngine/Versatile Key Binds
Gametype Setup
Player and Bot Setup
UI Setup