From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This actor is supposed to cause rocks to spawn when triggered.
Rockslide Group
- CubeDimensions
- A vector specifying the dimensions of the cube in which rocks will spawn.
- InitialDirection
- A rotational vector specifying the initial direction.
- MaxBetweenTime
- MaxInitialSpeed
- MaxScaleFactor
- MinBetweenTime
- MinInitialSpeed
- TimeLength
- TimeLimit
- True or False
Script Only Properties
- NextRockTime
- TotalTimePassed
Ike Bart: I don't know how to get this to work exactly. I'm doing some testing on it now.
SabbathCat: Going by something said in the mapping forum at BeyondUnreal Forums it simply crashes UT and Unreal when triggered. :tdown:
You can achieve a similar effect using an Earthquake, a Trigger, an ExplodingWall and a SpecialEvent for sound. :)
I think maybe it was something left over when developing the first Unreal maybe, something that was never used in the final version of the game or subsequently fixed in UT.