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Object >> BrushBuilder >> TetrahedronBuilder (Package: Editor)

Creates a Sphere for the red builder brush


  • Radius - the radius of the sphere
  • SphereExtrapolation - I see it as this: when you have the top point of the sphere, and this value is 1, then there is one point in 90 degrees (not counting the top one). If the value is 3, then there are 3 points in 90 degrees. The more this is, the more points. You can try out how nice it looks, but don't go further than 6, because it goes too slow then. For a nice sphere I reccomend 3 for larger areas or 4 in small areas

Aligning tips

If it's a sphere you can see from all sides, then good luck :p, I don't really know then. But when you can only see it from the bottom or something you can use this neat trick. Add the sphere and select all textures from it (right mouse button ==> select surfaces ==> matching brush, or shift+B) use align to floor, and you notice that it looks best at the top and bottom. build the level. After that rotate the sphere, so that the part at the top, now is rotated to the good side. It's as easy as that :D

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