Legacy:UT2003 InstantStart Mutator

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site


This is a simple mutator for UT2003 that removes the "match starts in 3... 2.... 1..." at the start of play. Mappers who frequently playtest may find it a timesaver!



There are two flavours of this mutator. Both scripts are by Wormbo.

<uscript> class MutInstantStart extends Mutator;

function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( Level.Game.IsA('DeathMatch') ) DeathMatch(Level.Game).CountDown = 0; }

defaultproperties { FriendlyName="No Countdown" Description="Removes the countdown before the match starts." Groupname="QuickStart" } </uscript>


<uscript> class MutQuickStart extends Mutator;

function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( Level.Game.IsA('DeathMatch') ) DeathMatch(Level.Game).bQuickStart = True; }

defaultproperties { FriendlyName="Quick Start" Description="Press that play button and the match instantly starts without pressing fire or waiting for a countdown." Groupname="QuickStart" } </uscript>

To use these:

  1. Set up package folders
  2. Create the file for the class, and copy the code into it.
  3. Compile (we recommend UMake
  4. Create An INT File for the package

You might find a compiled version of those two mutators for UT2003 somewhere on BUF.


Winxprules: This little gem also works with UT2004 :)

Sweavo: On reading this, I thought: instead, why not just edit UT2004.ini and in the [?.DeathMatch] section add bQuickStart=true? The answer is cos it doesn't work. Anyone know why this doesn't work?

Wormbo: Editing INI files is pointless for any property that is not supposed to be read from the INI file.

Sweavo: BONG! oh yes, I see. So ini files cannot override any defaultproperty, only those declared config or globalconfig.