
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT :: UWindowBase >> UWindowWindow (Package: UWindow)

UWindowWindow is the base class of any visible objects in UT's menu system including the ingame speech menu.


UWindowWindow ParentWindow
The parentwindow (window in wich this window is).
UWindowWindow FirstChildWindow
The first child of this UWindowWindow. All child windows are organized in a linked list.
UWindowWindow LastChildWindow
The last child of this UWindowWindow.
UWindowWindow NextSiblingWindow
The next UWindowWindow with the same OwnerWindow like this one.
UWindowWindow PrevSiblingWindow
The previous UWindowWindow with the same OwnerWindow like this one.
UWindowWindow ActiveWindow
The currently active child window.
UWindowRootWindow Root
This is the window on wich all windows exists.
UWindowWindow OwnerWindow
This is the window that owns this window. this will normally be the same as ParentWindow, but it doesn't have to be.
UWindowWindow ModalWindow

bool bWindowVisible
If set to false this window will not be drawn
bool bNoClip
If set to true then windows that are in this window will not be 'cut off' at the edge of this window.
bool bMouseDown
Is the left mouse button down ow this window?
bool bRMouseDown
Is the right mouse button down on this window?
bool bMMouseDown
Is the middle mouse button down on this window?
bool bAlwaysBehind
This window should always be the first item in the child list of the OwnerWindow, so it will always be drawn behind all other childs.
bool bAcceptsFocus
bool bAlwaysOnTop
If set to true this window will always stay on the front, even if another window get's focus.
bool bLeaveOnscreen
If set to true this window will also be drawn when bUWindowActive is false. This is normally used to show windows without showing the rootwindow (UT uses this for windows like the speech menu, and console)
bool bUWindowActive
If this is false the window will not be drawn, except if bLeaveOnScreen is set to true.
bool bTransient
bool bAcceptsHotKeys
bool bIgnoreLDoubleClick
bool bIgnoreMDoubleClick
bool bIgnoreRDoubleClick

float ClickTime
float MClickTime
float RClickTime
float ClickX
float ClickY
float MClickX
float MClickY
float RClickX
float RClickY
float WinLeft, WinTop
Location of the window relative to the parent window.
float WinWidth, WinHeight
Dimensions of the window.

UWindowLookAndFeel LookAndFeel
A reference to the active GUI skin.
Region ClippingRegion
MouseCursor Cursor
The cursor to draw when the mouse is over this window.



Texture (UT) Tex
Cursor texture.
int HotX, HotY
byte WindowsCursor
This tells which Windows cursor should be used when UT is not displayed fullscreen.



Left mouse button pressed.
Left mouse button released.
Middle mouse button pressed.
Middle mouse button released.
Right mouse button pressed.
Right mouse button released.
A key was released.
A key was pressed.
A key was pressed and released
A window should be drawn.


DE_Created = 0
A control has been created.
DE_Change = 1
The value of a control has changed.
DE_Click = 2
Click with the left mouse button.
DE_Enter = 3
DE_Exit = 4
DE_MClick = 5
Click with the middle mouse button.
DE_RClick = 6
Click with the right mouse button.
DE_EnterPressed = 7
Enter key was pressed
DE_MouseMove = 8
Mouse cursor moved.
DE_MouseLeave = 9
Mouse cursor left the area of the control.
DE_LMouseDown = 10
Left mouse button pressed.
DE_DoubleClick = 11
Double click. (with left button)
DE_MouseEnter = 12
Mouse cursor entered the area of the control.
DE_HelpChanged = 13
HelpText value of a Dialog Control changed
DE_WheelUpPressed = 14
Mouse Wheel rolled up
DE_WheelDownPressed = 15
Mouse Wheel rolled down


WindowEvent (WinMessage Msg, Canvas C, float X, float Y, int Key)
SaveConfigs ( )
PlayerPawn GetPlayerOwner ( ) [final]
Returns the local PlayerPawn.
LevelInfo GetLevel ( ) [final]
Returns the current map's LevelInfo.
LevelInfo GetEntryLevel ( ) [final]
Returns the LevelInfo of the entry level.
Resized ( )
Called by the SetSize function.
BeginPlay ( )
BeforeCreate ( )
Called when the window is created.
Create ( )
Called when the window is created.
AfterCreate ( )
Called when the window is created.
Activated ( )
Deactivated ( )
FocusWindow ( )
Bring focus to this window
FocusOtherWindow (UWindowWindow W)
Send focus to W
EscClose ( )
Close (optional bool bByParent)
Close this window (bByParent if by a Parent window)
SetSize (float W, float H) [final]
Sets the size of the window and calls the Resized function.
Tick (float Delta)
Similar to the Tick function of the Actor class.
DoTick (float Delta) [final]
Calls the Tick function.
UWindowWindow FindWindowUnder (float X, float Y) [final]
Finds the child window at the location (X,Y).
bool PropagateKey (WinMessage Msg, Canvas C, float X, float Y, int Key) [final]
Send a key press to child windows.
UWindowWindow CheckKeyFocusWindow ( ) [final]
bool MessageClients (WinMessage Msg, Canvas C, float X, float Y, int Key) [final]
ActivateWindow (int Depth, bool bTransientNoDeactivate) [final]
BringToFront ( ) [final]
Bring this window to the front
SendToBack ( ) [final]
Send this window to the back
HideChildWindow (UWindowWindow Child) [final]
Hide window Child
SetAcceptsFocus ( ) [final]
Allow this window to accept focus
CancelAcceptsFocus ( ) [final]
Prevent this window from accepting focus
bool IsActive ( )
Is this window active?
GlobalToWindow (float GlobalX, float GlobalY, out float WinX, out float WinY) [final]
Convert absolute screen coordinates to relative window coordinates.
WindowToGlobal (float WinX, float WinY, out float GlobalX, out float GlobalY) [final]
Convert relative window coordinates to absolute screen coordinates.
ShowChildWindow (UWindowWindow Child, optional bool bAtBack) [final]
ShowWindow ( )
Display this window.
HideWindow ( )
Hide this window.
ShowModal (UWindowWindow W)
Show a window modally, i.e. deactivate this window until the new window is closed.
bool WaitModal ( )
Returns whether a window is shown modally.
WindowHidden ( )
WindowShown ( )
SetMouseWindow ( ) [final]
UWindowWindow CreateWindow (class<UWindowWindow> WndClass, float X, float Y, float W, float H, optional UWindowWindow OwnerW, optional bool bUnique, optional name ObjectName) [final]
Create a new child window. If bUnique == True, create a new window only if one of WndClass doesn't already exist, and if it does, display that one.
UWindowWindow GetParent (class<UWindowWindow> ParentClass, optional bool bExactClass) [final]
Returns the first Parent of this window which is a ParentClass. If bExactClass == True, do not return subclasses of ParentClass.
UWindowWindow FindChildWindow (class<UWindowWindow> ChildClass, optional bool bExactClass) [final]
Returns the first Child of this window which is a ChildClass. If bExactClass == True, do not return subclasses of ChildClass.
GetDesiredDimensions (out float W, out float H)
ResolutionChanged (float W, float H)
Called when the screen resolution has changed, with the new screen dimensions as args.
bool WindowIsVisible ( ) [final]
Is this window visible?
SetParent (UWindowWindow NewParent)
Sets the ParentWindow of this window.
UWindowMessageBox MessageBox (string Title, string Message, MessageBoxButtons Buttons, MessageBoxResult ESCResult, optional MessageBoxResult EnterResult, optional int TimeOut)
Displays a message box window.
MessageBoxDone (UWindowMessageBox W, MessageBoxResult Result)
Called when message box is closed.
NotifyQuitUnreal ( )
UT/Unreal is about to quit.
NotifyBeforeLevelChange ( )
The level is about to change.
NotifyAfterLevelChange ( )
The level changed.
SetCursor (MouseCursor C)
Sets the mouse cursor's style.

Canvas Methods

BeforePaint (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y)
Called before the window is drawn.
Paint (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y)
Draws the window.
AfterPaint (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y)
Called after the window was drawn.
PaintClients (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y) [final]
Draws child windows.
Tile (Canvas (UT) C, Texture (UT) T) [final]
Draw a tiled pattern of texture T filling this window
DrawHorizTiledPieces (Canvas (UT) C, float DestX, float DestY, float DestW, float DestH, TexRegion T1, TexRegion T2, TexRegion T3, TexRegion T4, TexRegion T5, float Scale) [final]
DrawVertTiledPieces (Canvas (UT) C, float DestX, float DestY, float DestW, float DestH, TexRegion T1, TexRegion T2, TexRegion T3, TexRegion T4, TexRegion T5, float Scale) [final]
DrawClippedTexture (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y, texture Tex) [final]
Draws Tex beginning at X,Y, clipped by this windows dimensions.
DrawStretchedTexture (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, texture Tex) [final]
Draw Tex, starting at X,Y, scaled to W x H.
DrawStretchedTextureSegment (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, float tX, float tY, float tW, float tH, texture Tex) [final]
Draw a section of Tex, defined by tX,tY - tW x tH, starting at X,Y, scaled to W x H.
ClipText (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y, coerce string S, optional bool bCheckHotkey) [final]
Draw string S, starting at X,Y, using C.Font.
int WrapClipText (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y, coerce string S, optional bool bCheckHotkey, optional int Length, optional int PaddingLength, optional bool bNoDraw) [final]
ClipTextWidth (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y, coerce string S, float W) [final]
Identical to ClipText (W is ignored)
DrawClippedActor (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y, Actor A, bool WireFrame, rotator RotOffset, vector LocOffset) [final]
DrawUpBevel (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, Texture (UT) T) [final]
DrawMiscBevel (Canvas (UT) C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, Texture (UT) T, int BevelType) [final]
Texture (UT) GetLookAndFeelTexture ( )
TextSize (Canvas (UT) C, string Text, out float W, out float H) [final]
Assigns to W and H the dimensions, in pixels, of Text, when rendered in the current C.Font.

String Methods

string RemoveAmpersand (string S) [final]
Returnes the string without &.
byte ParseAmpersand (string S, out string Result, out string Underline, bool bCalcUnderline) [final]
ToolTip (string strTip)
Show strTip in the Status Bar (typically)
ReplaceText (out string Text, string Replace, string With) [final]
Replace any occurance of Replace in Text with With.
StripCRLF (out string Text)
Remove all CR, LF and CRLF characters from the string.

Mouse Events

Click (float X, float Y)
Click with left mouse button.
MClick (float X, float Y)
Click with middle mouse button.
RClick (float X, float Y)
Click with right mouse button.
DoubleClick (float X, float Y)
Double click with left mouse button.
MDoubleClick (float X, float Y)
Double click with middle mouse button.
RDoubleClick (float X, float Y)
Double click with right mouse button.
MouseEnter ()
Called when the mouse pointer enters this window.
MouseLeave ()
Called when the mouse pointer leaves the window.
MouseMove (float X, float Y)
Called each time the mouse cursor moved.
LMouseDown (float X, float Y)
Left Mouse Button pressed.
MMouseDown (float X, float Y)
Middle Mouse Button pressed.
RMouseDown (float X, float Y)
Right Mouse Button pressed.
LMouseUp (float X, float Y)
Left mouse button released.
MMouseUp (float X, float Y)
Middle mouse button released.
RMouseUp (float X, float Y)
Right mouse button released.
bool MouseIsOver ( ) [final]
Returns whether the mouse cursor is over this window.
GetMouseXY (out float X, out float Y) [final]
Assigns to X and Y the mouse cursor coordinates, relative to this window's origin
bool CheckMousePassThrough (float X, float Y)

Keyboard Events

KeyDown (int Key, float X, float Y)
Key was pressed
KeyUp (int Key, float X, float Y)
Key was released
bool HotKeyDown (int Key, float X, float Y)
bool HotKeyUp (int Key, float X, float Y)
KeyType (int Key, float X, float Y)
Key was pressed and released
ProcessMenuKey (int Key, string KeyName)
KeyFocusEnter ( )
KeyFocusExit ( )
SetAcceptsHotKeys (bool bNewAccpetsHotKeys)

Known Subclasses

Subclasses sorted by package.

See UWindow Class Hierarchy for a complete list of UWindow classes.


