Legacy:UnrealEd 1
UnrealEd 1 is the old UnrealEd created in Visual Basic. It comes with Unreal, and older versions of UT and other games of that generation (see UnrealEd Versions for the list). You can easily identify this version of the editor by the toolbox: UnrealEd 1 has 3 buttons across in the toolbox, later versions have 2.
Use at your own risk. Save and save often!
I always get this message saying "run time erroer 50003" and i've tried downloading unrealedfix4.exe from unreal.epicgames.com/ but it always says this page has moved or cannot be found.
SuperApe: I recently got Unreal Gold Edition and I'm having fun looking at the old maps, playing the SP campaign, seeing the old ScriptedPawn monsters as they were originally intended, etc. When I wanted to look at the editor, UnrealEd 1, I needed a few extra files in my /Windows/System32 directory for Windows XP. <uscript>.../Windows/System32/THREED32.OCX .../Windows/System32/PICCLP32.OCX .../Windows/System32/MSOUTL32.OCX .../Windows/System32/TABCTL32.OCX</uscript>Evidentally, these files are common to VisualBasic. Without these files, Ued1 complained a lot and crashed. With them, it was a little more stable. I found these .OCX files for free pretty easily by searching the web. I'll try to find the links and post them here.
Jan: Use UnrealEdFix4 to install needed VB Runtime libraries or go to Microsofts download page and install original VB6 Runtime Libraries