Legacy:UnrealScript For Non-Programmers/Applied OOP

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

This page is part of the UnrealScript For Non-Programmers tutorial which is broken down into a series of pages. It may not make sense if you haven't been following this series, then again, you never know, you might gain something from it.

How all of These Things Are Put Together to Make an OOP Program

Here, you will gain understanding of the structure of an OOP program. The section after this one will introduce you to all the things that it consists of so you will see how they all interact with each other to carry out the objective that the program is written for.

With the knowledge you now have its time for you take a look at the Class Tree of the Unreal Engine. See if you can find where FlakCannon fits hierarchy and see if that make sense to you. Then come back here.

Now go back to the Class Tree and/or click on Weapon so you can see all the code that FlakCannon inherits from its parent class. The actual class, FlakCannon, has overridden some of that code to make it still a weapon but a unique and specific weapon. Try to pick out some of the things you would suspect that FlakCannon overrides to make itself unique. Then return here.

Now you should read Unreal Object Oriented Programming for a nice introduction to how OOP is used in the UnrealScript and how it is important to you if you are interested in modifying an Unreal Engine based game. Then take a look at Object Oriented Programming Overview for another example of OOP and a peak at some coding conventions used. Then come back here and continue reading the next section to understand more about the code.

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This tut is going nowhere. I (the author) will not be contributing to it anymore, and it needs much much more. No one else is contributing to it, so it's a waste of space and an eye-sore.[DeleteME]