Legacy:UnrealScript Keywords
This page lists all UnrealScript Keywords and fundamental UnrealScript data types known to our markup parser.
Almost all of these keywords are described on other UnrealWiki pages.
- abstract
- always
- array
- arraycount
- assert
- auto
- automated
- bool
- break
- button
- byte
- case
- class
- coerce
- collapsecategories
- config (classes / variables)
- const
- continue
- default
- defaultproperties
- delegate
- dependson
- deprecated
- do
- dontcollapsecategories
- edfindable
- editconst
- editconstarray
- editinline (variables)
- editinlinenew (classes)
- editinlinenotify (variables)
- editinlineuse (variables)
- else
- enum
- enumcount
- event
- exec
- expands
- export (variables / structs)
- exportstructs
- extends
- false
- final
- float
- for
- foreach
- function
- global
- globalconfig
- goto
- guid
- hidecategories
- if
- ignores
- import
- init
- input
- insert
- instanced
- int
- intrinsic
- invariant (UnStack.h: Return value is purely dependent on parameters; no state dependencies or internal state changes. Function flag.)
- iterator
- latent
- length
- local
- localized (variables)
- name
- native (classes / variables / structs)
- nativereplication
- new
- noexport
- none
- noteditinlinenew (classes)
- notplaceable
- nousercreate
- operator
- optional
- out
- perobjectconfig
- placeable
- pointer
- postoperator
- preoperator
- private (variables / functions)
- protected (variables / functions)
- reliable
- remove
- replication
- return
- rng (is this used to specify constant range structs in code?)
- rot
- safereplace
- self
- showcategories
- simulated (functions / states)
- singular
- skip
- state
- static (Function Syntax / Static Function)
- stop
- string
- struct
- super
- switch
- transient
- travel
- true
- unreliable
- until
- var
- vect
- while
- within (classes)
Unreal Engine 3+ UnrealScript Keywords
- [Databinding]
- [DuplicateTransient]
- [EditFixedSize]
- [EditorOnly]
- [Interp]
- [NoClear]
- [NoImport]
- [Private{Private}]
- [Protected{Protected}]
- [Public{Private}]
- [Repnotify]
- [Client]
- [Server]
<uscript> reliable server function servermutate(string mutatestring) </uscript>
- [Virtual]
- [Const]
<uscript> native final function bool haslinkedops( optional bool bconsiderinputlinks ) const; </uscript>
Class Modifiers
- [AutoExpandCategories()]
- [implements()]
- [Inherits()]
- [NonTransient]
- [StructDefaultProperties]
Related Topics
El Muerte: is this page magic or something? Anyway a lot of these keywords have absolutely no meaning, e.g. the are not implemented or not even parsed by the compiler. For example Invariant or always are defined, but the compiler doesn't accept them. Maybe we should split up this page in actual keywords and meaningless keyword.
Tarquin: No magic here.