Legacy:VitalOverdose/Short Scripts
These scripts all contain only a few lines of modified code each.
Hardley any code is changed here just the time before the player start to drown is pushed up far higher than a game is likley to last.
<uscript> //----------------------------------------------------------- // AmphibiousVolume. Updated Oct2007 // By Vitaloverdose : http://www.Vitaloverdose.com // A water volume that wont drown players / bots . //-----------------------------------------------------------
class AmphibiousVolume extends WaterVolume Placeable;
struct UnderWaterTimeBacks { var Pawn PawnRef; Var float OldUnderWaterTime; Var float OldPawnDrawscale; }; var array<UnderWaterTimeBacks> UWTBacks;
Var() float PawnDrawscale; Var() float SafeSwimTime;
simulated event Touch(Actor Other) {
if ((Other.isa('pawn')) && (pawn(Other).UnderWaterTime < SafeSwimTime) && (CheckExistingSwimmerList(pawn(Other)) > -1)) ProcessNewSwimmer(pawn(Other)); super.touch(Other);
simulated event UnTouch(Actor Other) {
local int RecordNumber; local Pawn ASwimmer;
if (Other.isa('pawn')) { ASwimmer = Pawn(Other); RecordNumber = CheckExistingSwimmerList(ASwimmer);
if ( RecordNumber == -1 ) return;
if ( SafeSwimTime > 0 ) ASwimmer.UnderWaterTime = UWTBacks[RecordNumber].OldUnderWaterTime;
super.Touch(Other); }
function int CheckExistingSwimmerList(Pawn ASwimmer) { local int Inc;
if (UWTBacks.Length < 1)
return -1;
for (inc=0;inc<UWTBacks.Length;inc++)
if (UWTBacks[inc].PawnRef == ASwimmer) return inc;
return -1; }
simulated function ProcessNewSwimmer(Pawn NewSwimmer) {
UWTBacks.Insert(0,1); UWTBacks[0].PawnRef = NewSwimmer;
if ( SafeSwimTime > -1 ) { UWTBacks[0].OldUnderWaterTime = NewSwimmer.UnderWaterTime; NewSwimmer.UnderWaterTime = SafeSwimTime; } else UWTBacks[0].OldUnderWaterTime = -1;
defaultproperties { SafeSwimTime=10000 } </uscript>
No teleport monster controller
A monster controller that will stop the monsters from randomly teleporting around the level when they cant anything to fight.
// NoTelleportMonsterController by vitaloverdose
// To stop the monsters teleporting around the level when they
// dont have anyone to fight.
class NoTelleportMonsterController extends MonsterController;
function FightEnemy( bool bCanCharge)
if ( (Enemy == None ) || (Pawn == None))
log("HERE 3 Enemy "$Enemy$" pawn "$Pawn) ;
if ( (Enemy == FailedHuntEnemy) && (Level.TimeSeconds == FailedHuntTime))
{ if ( !Enemy.Controller.bIsPlayer ) FindNewEnemy() ;
if ( Enemy == FailedHuntEnemy ) { GoalString = "FAILED HUNT - HANG OUT"; if ( EnemyVisible()) bCanCharge = false; else if ( (LastRespawnTime != Level.TimeSeconds) && ( (LastSeenTime == 0 ) || (Level.TimeSeconds - LastSeenTime) > 0 ) && !Pawn.PlayerCanSeeMe()) LastRespawnTime = Level.TimeSeconds;
if ( !EnemyVisible()) { WanderOrCamp(true) ; return; } } }
} </Uscript>
PhysicsVolume with Untouch()
The untouch function is available higher up the class tree but not implemented in this class.
<uscript> //----------------------------------------------------------- // UntouchVolume .By Vitaloverdose. // physics volume with added Untouch event //----------------------------------------------------------- class UntouchVolume extends physicsvolume Placeable; var() name UntouchEvent; event untouch(Actor Other) { if (other.isa('pawn'))
triggerEvent(UntouchEvent,Self,Instigator); super.Untouch(other);
} </uscript>
A stationary gunner with extended zoom options, designed for the excellent map ONS-Minus-ece By Biv.
// VariZoomGunner. By Vitaloverdose.
// ONSManualGunPawn with mapper setable distance on the zoom.
class VariZoomGunner extends ONSManualGunPawn;
var() float VariZoom; // this is the max range of the zoom
function AltFire(optional float F)
if (PlayerController(Controller) != None)
{ bWeaponIsAltFiring = true; PlayerController(Controller).ToggleZoomWithMax(VariZoom); }