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Object >> WebResponse
An object representing a response to a WebRequest.
- private native const int ReplacementMap[5]
- const config string IncludePath
- WebConnection Connection
- bool bSentText
- bool bSentResponse
Native functions
- native final function Subst (string Variable, string Value, optional bool bClear)
- native final function ClearSubst ( )
- native final function IncludeUHTM (string Filename)
- native final function IncludeBinaryFile (string Filename)
- event SendText (string Text, optional bool bNoCRLF)
- event SendBinary (int Count, byte B[255])
Other functions
- function FailAuthentication (string Realm)
- Send HTTP 401 (Unauthorized).
- function HTTPResponse (string Header)
- function HTTPHeader (string Header)
- Send HTTP header.
- function HTTPError (int ErrorNum, optional string Data)
- Send HTTP 400 (Bad Request), 401 (Unauthorized) or 404 (Not found).
- function SendStandardHeaders (optional string ContentType)
- Respond with HTTP 200 (OK) and send the engine's version and the content-type.
- function Redirect (string URL)
- Respond with HTTP 302 (Document moved) and redirect to another URL.