From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UT2003 :: Object >> Actor >> Controller >> PlayerController >> UnrealPlayer >> xPlayer (Package: XGame)
The unreal tournament player pawn class.
Attract mode
See the functions in the AttractMode state.
- AttractCamera camlist[20]
- int numcams
- int curcam
- Pawn attracttarget
- Pawn attracttarget2
- float camtime
- float targettime
- float gibwatchtime
- vector focuspoint
- MinComboKeyTime = 0.05 (const)
- Keys pressed faster than this will be considered a double-press
- MaxComboKeyTime = 0.35 (const)
- Max time player has between button presses
- int InputHistory[4] (transient)
- float LastKeyTime (transient)
- int OldKey (transient)
- float MinAdrenalineCost
- The minimum Adrenaline cost to activate any combo
- string ComboNameList[16]
- List of combo names to be loaded into ComboList
- class<Combo> ComboList[16]
- xUtil.PlayerRecord PawnSetupRecord
- float LastRulesRequestTime
- float LastMapListRequestTime
- bool autozoom
- Used for camera stuff
- bool bClassicTrans (globalconfig)
- bool bHighBeaconTrajectory
- bool bWaitingForPRI
- bool bWaitingForVRI
- bool bDebuggingVoiceChat (config)
- bool bAutoDemoRec (config)
- ProcessRule( string NewRule ) (delegate)
- Called from ClientReceiveRule. Used by AdminPanelPlayers, UT2K4Tab_AdminPlayerList, UT2K4Tab_MidGameRulesCombo, UT2K4Tab_ServerInfo, Tab_AdminPlayerList, and Tab_ServerInfo.
- ProcessMapName( string NewMap ) (delegate)
- Called from ClientReceiveMapName. Used by AdminPanelMaps, UT2K4Tab_MidGameRulesCombo, UT2K4Tab_ServerMapList, and Tab_ServerMapList.
- CheckPriority() (exec)
- DebugMessage( string DebugString, optional name Type ) (simulated)
- String GetRoleString() (simulated)
- String GetPhysicsString() (simulated)
- ServerRequestRules()
- ClientReceiveRule( string NewRule )
- ServerRequestMapList()
- ClientReceiveMapName( string NewMap )
- StopFiring()
- PlayBeepSound() (simulated)
- float RateWeapon( Weapon w ) (simulated)
- L33TPhrase( int phraseNum ) (exec)
- ServerSetClassicTrans( bool B )
- FillCameraList()
- bool FindFixedCam( Pawn target, out int newcam )
- Vector FindFloatingCam( Pawn target )
- Pawn PickNextBot( Pawn current )
- bool LineOfSight( int c, Pawn target )
- Rotator CameraTrack( Pawn target, float DeltaTime )
- PawnDied( Pawn P )
- SetPawnClass( string inClass, string inCharacter )
- SetPawnFemale()
- Possess( Pawn aPawn )
- ChangeCharacter( string newCharacter ) (exec)
- for changing character on the fly (for next respawn)
- bool NeedNetNotify() (simulated)
- AdminMenu( string CommandLine ) (exec)
- ServerRequestPlayerInfo()
- SpecViewGoal() (exec)
- ServerSpecViewGoal()
- ServerRequestBanInfo( int PlayerID )
- ClientReceiveBan( string BanInfo )
- InitializeVoiceChat() (exec, simulated)
- ShowAliases() (exec, simulated)
- ShowBindings() (exec, simulated)
- check() (exec)
- PostBeginPlay() (simulated)
- Loads combos from the name list
- ClientReceiveCombo( string NewCombo ) (simulated)
- Client-side combo loading
- DoCombo( class<Combo> ComboClass )
- Checks Adrenaline cost and calls ServerDoCombo
- ServerDoCombo( class<Combo> ComboClass )
- Calls DoCombo on the pawn
- PostBeginPlay() (simulated)
- PostNetBeginPlay() (simulated)
- PlayerTick( float DeltaTime )
- Handle combo keyboard input
- PostNetReceive() (simulated)
Extends PlayerWalking.
Ignores SwitchWeapon, RestartLevel, ClientRestart, Suicide,ThrowWeapon, NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange, NotifyHeadVolumeChange, Say and TeamSay.
Category:Legacy Class (UT2003)
Category:Legacy Class (UT2004)
Category:Legacy To Do – Fill in any missing definitions.