Legacy talk:Unreal Engine Versions/3

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

Should be alright to pull these pages out of legacy hey? I mean the original authour doesnt matter much since its all fact based on the engine versions anyways so its not like the information is unique. -OlympusMons 07:25, 3 May 2008 (UTC)

Actually I'm still not convinced all the information gathered here is actually supposed to be public. I mean, all the information about games in the works where the developers never even issued any official statements. It almost seems like someone is leaking information from a private area oif the UDN, or even worse, discloses information he is supposed to not make public by contract. -Wormbo 08:07, 3 May 2008 (UTC)
Yeah that is certainly an issue if it is happening, I have stated in the past I would prefer to see the upcoming games listed as they were publicly announced not when some trickle of information comes through about possbilities. Where ever the source I think its best to leave that type of stuff in the hands of publishers for official announcements, then we can stick to the facts as the public knows them 8) -OlympusMons 08:11, 3 May 2008 (UTC)
When the Unreal Engine pages were last rewritten this list began, and after some discussion it was decied to remove all the unannounced projects. But a user by the name of UE started adding them again, as far as I know it's privileged information and shouldn't be listed here. And does anyone really care if company X has licensed UE tech for unannounced project Y? -Fyfe

The page is now protected and can only be edited by sysops. I also removed all the projects and licensees because of the questionable source and reliability of the information. The many "unannounced" projects suggest this list was maintained by someone with insider access, but we really don't want to mess with all those licensees. -Wormbo 17:54, 17 May 2008 (UTC)