I've wrote extended skeletal animation support. Features:
- returns bone details (position, orientation, etc)
- returns whenever bone exists or not
- returns number of bones
- returns bone name by index
- implements AttachToBone function
This object holds all SkeletalMesh related functions.
Static functions
function GetBoneDetails
<uscript>native static final function GetBoneDetails(SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh, string BoneName, bool bNoRelative, out rotator Orientation, out vector Position, out float Length, out vector Size);</uscript> Returns bone details as output parameters
input parameters:
- SkeletalMesh - skeletal mesh. Can look like: SkeletalMesh(Mesh)
- string BoneName - bone name. Eg. "Bip01 R Finger1"
- bool bNoRelative - if false, it'll also take all root bones position/orientation into account
output parameters
- rotator Orientation - bone rotation
- vector Position - bone position
- float Length - bone lenght
- vector Size - bone size
function GetBoneLocation
<uscript>native static final function vector GetBoneLocation(SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh, string BoneName, bool bNoRelative);</uscript> Returns bone position
input parameters:
- SkeletalMesh - skeletal mesh. Can look like: SkeletalMesh(Mesh)
- string BoneName - bone name. Eg. "Bip01 R Finger1"
- bool bNoRelative - if false, it'll also take all root bones
function GetBoneRotation
<uscript>native static final function rotator GetBoneRotation(SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh, string BoneName, bool bNoRelative);</uscript> Returns bone orientation
input parameters:
- SkeletalMesh - skeletal mesh. Can look like: SkeletalMesh(Mesh)
- string BoneName - bone name. Eg. "Bip01 R Finger1"
- bool bNoRelative - if false, it'll also take all root bones
function BoneExists
<uscript>native static final function bool BoneExists(SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh, string BoneName);</uscript> Returns whenever given bone exists or not
input parameters:
- SkeletalMesh - skeletal mesh. Can look like: SkeletalMesh(Mesh)
- string BoneName - bone name. Eg. "Bip01 R Finger1"
function GetNumBones
<uscript>native static final function int GetNumBones(SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh);</uscript> Returns number of bones in given skeletal mesh
input parameters:
- SkeletalMesh - skeletal mesh. Can look like: SkeletalMesh(Mesh)
function GetBoneNameByIndex
<uscript>native static final function name GetBoneNameByIndex(SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh, int index);</uscript> Returns bone name
input parameters:
- SkeletalMesh - skeletal mesh. Can look like: SkeletalMesh(Mesh)
- int index - bone index (use GetNumBones to have list of all bones)
function GetBoneIndex
<uscript>native static final function int GetBoneIndex(SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh, string BoneName);</uscript> Returns bone index or -1 if bone can not be found.
input parameters:
- SkeletalMesh - skeletal mesh. Can look like: SkeletalMesh(Mesh)
- string BoneName - bone name. Eg. "Bip01 R Finger1"
function GetBoneLocationByIndex
<uscript>native static final function vector GetBoneLocationByIndex(SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh, int index, bool bNoRelative);</uscript> Returns bone position
input parameters:
- SkeletalMesh - skeletal mesh. Can look like: SkeletalMesh(Mesh)
- int index - bone index (use GetNumBones to have list of all bones)
- bool bNoRelative - if false, it'll also take all root bones
function GetBoneRotationByIndex
<uscript>native static final function rotator GetBoneRotationByIndex(SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh, int index, bool bNoRelative);</uscript> Returns bone orientation
input parameters:
- SkeletalMesh - skeletal mesh. Can look like: SkeletalMesh(Mesh)
- int index - bone index (use GetNumBones to have list of all bones)
- bool bNoRelative - if false, it'll also take all root bones
This actor implements AttachToBone function.
- bool bUpdateRotation - if true, rotation will also be updated
- bool bDisableNativeUpdate - if true, native update will be disabled. In order to update location you'll have to yse UpdateAttached function.
- rotator RotationOffset - rotation offset (relative to bone rotation)
- vector LocationOffset - location offset (relative to bone location)
<uscript>native final function bool AttachToBone(Actor ABase , string Bone);</uscript> When called will attach itself into ABase bone.
input parameters:
- Actor ABase - actor we'll be attached to
- string BoneName - bone name. Eg. "Bip01 R Finger1"
<uscript>native final function UpdateAttached();</uscript> Updates actor location (can be used only if bDisableNativeUpdate is true)
<uscript>native final function DetachFromBone();</uscript> If called will detach itself from attached actor.
Native files (.h and .cpp)
- ./inc
- ARSkeletalActor.h - header file for ARSkeletalActor.cpp
- RFunctions.h - header file for RFunctions.cpp
- RSkeletalMeshEx.h - header file for all .cpp files
- RSkeletalMeshExClasses.h - UCC generated header
- ./src
- ARSkeletalActor.cpp - implements AttachToBone functions
- RFunctions.cpp - implements all conversion code and useful functions
- RSkeletalMeshEx.cpp - implements linking UScript and C++
- URSkeletalMeshEx.cpp - implements all skeletalmesh functions
- v 0.0.3
- RSkeletalMeshEx has three new static functions (GetBoneIndex, GetBoneLocationByIndex, GetBoneRotationByIndex)
- v 0.0.2
- added native class RSkeletalActor which implements AttachToBone function
- v 0.0.1 (first public release)
- added function GetBoneRotation and GetBoneLocation
As always source code is included in zip file.
link: RSkeletalMeshEx (~51kb)
- Raven - whole code :)
- Astyanax - quaternion to rotator function (found somewhere at BU)
- Smirftsch - being patient to my noob C++ questions :P
- .:..: - for help with AttachToBone update stuff