UE1:Suits (U1)

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U1 Object >> Actor >> Inventory >> Pickup >> Suits
Direct subclasses:
AsbestosSuit, KevlarSuit, ToxinSuit
This class in other games:

The base class for protective suits. Players can only wear one suit at a time.

Default values

Property Value
AmbientGlow 64
bDisplayableInv True
CollisionHeight 39.0
CollisionRadius 26.0
DrawType DT_None
Icon Texture'UnrealShare.Icons.I_Suit'
MaxDesireability 1.7
PickupViewMesh LodMesh'UnrealShare.Suit'
ProtectionType1 'ProtectNone'
ProtectionType2 'ProtectNone'
RemoteRole ROLE_DumbProxy
RespawnTime 30.0

Instance functions


function PickupFunction (Pawn Other)

Overrides: Pickup.PickupFunction

Destroys any other suit the player might be wearing.