
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
UE2 Actor >> Triggers >> RandomTrigger (custom)

This custom trigger will cause random events to fire from a dynamic list of event names.



array<name> EventList
A dynamic array of Events to trigger.

Source Code

<uscript> //============================================================================= // RandomTrigger // Uses a random value to select from a dynamic array of Events when triggered. // by SuperApe -- Sept 2005 //============================================================================= class RandomTrigger extends Triggers placeable;

var() array<name> EventList;

event Trigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator ) { Event = EventList[ FRand() * EventList.length ]; TriggerEvent( Event, Other, EventInstigator ); }

//defaultproperties //{ // Texture=Texture'Engine.S_Trigger' //} </uscript>


If this actor is compiled inside the Unreal Editor, edit the default property Display -> Texture manually as indicated in the comment at the bottom of the code using the "editdefault class=RandomTrigger" Unreal Editor console command. If you are Compiling with UCC, simply un-comment the defaultProperties block.

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