UE3:AnimationCompressionAlgorithm_RemoveLinearKeys (UDK)

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UDK Object >> AnimationCompressionAlgorithm >> AnimationCompressionAlgorithm_RemoveLinearKeys

Keyframe reduction algorithm that simply removes keys which are linear interpolations of surrounding keys.


Property group 'AnimationCompressionAlgorithm_RemoveLinearKeys'


Type: bool

TRUE = As the animation is compressed, adjust animated nodes to compensate for compression error. FALSE= Do not adjust animated nodes.

Default value: True


Type: float

Maximum angle difference to use when testing if an animation key may be removed. Lower values retain more keys, but yield less compression.

Default value: 0.025


Type: float

As keys are tested for removal, we monitor the effects all the way down to the end effectors. If their position changes by more than this amount as a result of removing a key, the key will be retained. This value is used for all bones except the end-effectors parent.

Default value: 0.01


Type: float

Maximum position difference to use when testing if an animation key may be removed. Lower values retain more keys, but yield less compression.

Default value: 0.1


Type: float

As keys are tested for removal, we monitor the effects all the way down to the end effectors. If their position changes by more than this amount as a result of removing a key, the key will be retained. This value is used for the end-effectors parent, allowing tighter restrictions near the end of a skeletal chain.

Default value: 0.02


Type: float

A scale value which increases the likelihood that a bone will retain a key if it’s parent also had a key at the same time position. Higher values can remove shaking artifacts from the animation, at the cost of compression.

Default value: 2.0

Default values

Property Value
bNeedsSkeleton True
Description "Remove Linear Keys"