UE3:EmitterPool (UDK)
- Package:
- Engine
- Direct subclass:
- UTEmitterPool
- This class in other games:
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this class manages a pool of ParticleSystemComponents it is meant to be used for single shot effects spawned during gameplay to reduce object overhead that would otherwise be caused by spawning dozens of Emitters
Type: array<ParticleSystemComponent>
components currently active
Type: bool
Modifiers: globalconfig
option to log out the names of all active effects when the pool overflows
Default value: True
Type: bool
Modifiers: globalconfig
Type: array<MaterialInstanceConstant>
Modifiers: private, const
The free MaterialInstanceConstants used by emitters in this pool
Type: array<StaticMeshComponent>
Modifiers: private, const
The free StaticMeshComponents used by emitters in this pool
Type: int
Default value: 250
Type: int
The ideal number of StaticMeshComponents and MaterialInstanceConstants. If their counts are greater than this for more than ReductionTime, then they will be chopped down to their respective settings.
Default value: 250
Type: int
maximum allowed active components - if this is greater than 0 and is exceeded, the oldest active effect is taken
Type: array<ParticleSystemComponent>
Modifiers: const
components currently in the pool
Type: ParticleSystemComponent
Modifiers: protected
template to base pool components off of - should not be used for effects or attached to anything
Default value: ParticleSystemComponent'ParticleSystemComponent0'
Type: array<EmitterBaseInfo>
Type: float
Modifiers: transient
Type: float
The amount of time to allow the SMC and MIC arrays to be beyond their ideals.
Default value: 2.5
Default values
Property | Value |
CollisionType | COLLIDE_CustomDefault |
TickGroup | TG_DuringAsyncWork |
Class: Engine.ParticleSystemComponent
Property | Value |
AbsoluteRotation | True |
AbsoluteTranslation | True |
ReplacementPrimitive | None |
SecondsBeforeInactive | 0.0 |
Modifiers: native
list of components that should be relative to an Actor
- ParticleSystemComponent PSC
- Actor Base
- Object.Vector RelativeLocation
- Object.Rotator RelativeRotation
Native functions
removes everything from the pool - does not touch currently active components
internal - moves the MIConstants from given SMComponent to the pool free list
internal - moves the SMComponents from given PSC to the pool free list
internal - retrieves a MaterialInstanceConstant from the pool free list
- bCreateNewObject - If TRUE, create an MIC w/ the pool as its outer
- MaterialInstanceConstant The MIC, NULL if none was available/created
internal - retrieves a SMComponent from the pool free list
- bCreateNewObject - If TRUE, create an SMC w/ the pool as its outer
- StaticMeshComponent The SMC, NULL if none was available/created
internal - helper for spawning functions gets a component from the appropriate pool array (checks PerEmitterPools) includes creating a new one if necessary as well as taking one from the active list if the max number active has been exceeded
- the ParticleSystemComponent to use
internal - detaches the given PSC and returns it to the pool
Other instance functions
set to each pool component's finished delegate to return it to the pool for custom lifetime PSCs, must be called manually when done with the component
plays the specified effect at the given location and rotation, taking a component from the pool or creating as necessary
- EmitterTemplate - particle system to create
- SpawnLocation - location to place the effect in world space
- SpawnRotation - opt) - rotation to place the effect in world space
- AttachToActor - opt) - if specified, component will move along with this Actor
- the ParticleSystemComponent the effect will use
Note: the component is returned so the caller can perform any additional modifications (parameters, etc), but it shouldn't keep the reference around as the component will be returned to the pool as soon as the effect is complete
spawns a pooled component that has a custom lifetime (controlled by the caller) the caller is responsible for attaching/detaching the component as well as calling our OnParticleSystemFinished() function when it is done with the component the pool may take the component back early - if it does, it will trigger the component's OnSystemFinished delegate so the caller can guarantee that it will be triggered
- EmitterTemplate - particle system to create
- the ParticleSystemComponent to use
spawns a particle system attached to a SkeletalMeshComponent instead of to another Actor or to nothing as with SpawnEmitter(), the caller should avoid persistent references to the returned component as it will get automatically reclaimed when the effect is complete
- EmitterTemplate - particle system to create
- Mesh - mesh component to attach to
- AttachPointName - bone or socket to attach to
- bAttachToSocket - opt) - whether AttachPointName is a socket or bone name
- RelativeLoc - opt) - offset from bone location to place the effect (not used when attaching to socket)
- RelativeRot - opt) - offset from bone rotation to place the effect (not used when attaching to socket)
- the ParticleSystemComponent the effect will use
Note: if the owning Actor is destroyed before the effect completes, the ParticleSystemComponent will end up being marked pending kill and therefore eventually destroyed as well. The pool handles this gracefully, although it's obviously suboptimal.