UE3:EngineTypes structs (UDK)

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UDK Object >> EngineTypes (structs)



Modifiers: native

Debug options for Lightmass

bool bDebugMode
If FALSE, UnrealLightmass.exe is launched automatically (default)

If TRUE, it must be launched manually (e.g. through a debugger) with the -debug command line parameter.

bool bStatsEnabled
If TRUE, all participating Lightmass agents will report back detailed stats to the log.
bool bGatherBSPSurfacesAcrossComponents
If TRUE, BSP surfaces split across model components are joined into 1 mapping
float CoplanarTolerance
The tolerance level used when gathering BSP surfaces.
bool bUseDeterministicLighting
If TRUE, deterministic lighting mode will be used.
bool bUseImmediateImport
If TRUE, Lightmass will import mappings immediately as they complete.

It will not process them, however.

bool bImmediateProcessMappings
If TRUE, Lightmass will process appropriate mappings as they are imported.

NOTE: Requires ImmediateMode be enabled to actually work.

bool bSortMappings
If TRUE, Lightmass will sort mappings by texel cost.
bool bDumpBinaryFiles
If TRUE, the generate coefficients will be dumped to binary files.
bool bDebugMaterials
If TRUE, Lightmass will write out BMPs for each generated material property

sample to <GAME>\ScreenShots\Materials.

bool bPadMappings
If TRUE, Lightmass will pad the calculated mappings to reduce/eliminate seams.
bool bDebugPaddings
If TRUE, will fill padding of mappings with a color rather than the sampled edges.

Means nothing if bPadMappings is not enabled...

bool bOnlyCalcDebugTexelMappings
If TRUE, only the mapping containing a debug texel will be calculated, all others

will be set to white

bool bUseRandomColors
If TRUE, color lightmaps a random color
bool bColorBordersGreen
If TRUE, a green border will be placed around the edges of mappings
bool bColorByExecutionTime
If TRUE, Lightmass will overwrite lightmap data with a shade of red relating to

how long it took to calculate the mapping (Red = Time / ExecutionTimeDivisor)

float ExecutionTimeDivisor
The amount of time that will be count as full red when bColorByExecutionTime is enabled
bool bInitialized

Default values:

Property Value
bColorByExecutionTime False
bDebugMaterials False
bDebugMode False
bDebugPaddings False
bDumpBinaryFiles False
bGatherBSPSurfacesAcrossComponents True
bImmediateProcessMappings True
bOnlyCalcDebugTexelMappings False
bPadMappings True
bSortMappings True
bStatsEnabled False
bUseDeterministicLighting True
bUseImmediateImport True
CoplanarTolerance 0.0010
ExecutionTimeDivisor 15.0


Extends: LightmassLightSettings

Modifiers: native

Direcitonal light settings for Lightmass

float LightSourceAngle
Angle that the directional light's emissive surface extends relative to a receiver, affects penumbra sizes.

Default values:

Property Value
LightSourceAngle 3.0


Modifiers: native

Per-light settings for Lightmass

float IndirectLightingScale
Scale factor for the indirect lighting
float IndirectLightingSaturation
0 will be completely desaturated, 1 will be unchanged
float ShadowExponent
Controls the falloff of shadow penumbras

Default values:

Property Value
IndirectLightingSaturation 1.0
IndirectLightingScale 1.0
ShadowExponent 2.0


Extends: LightmassLightSettings

Modifiers: native

Point/spot settings for Lightmass

float LightSourceRadius
The radius of the light's emissive surface, not the light's influence.

Default values:

Property Value
LightSourceRadius 100.0


Per-object settings for Lightmass

bool bUseTwoSidedLighting
If TRUE, this object will be lit as if it receives light from both sides of its polygons.
bool bShadowIndirectOnly
If TRUE, this object will only shadow indirect lighting.
bool bUseEmissiveForStaticLighting
If TRUE, allow using the emissive for static lighting.
float EmissiveLightFalloffExponent
Direct lighting falloff exponent for mesh area lights created from emissive areas on this primitive.
float EmissiveLightExplicitInfluenceRadius
Direct lighting influence radius.

The default is 0, which means the influence radius should be automatically generated based on the emissive light brightness. Values greater than 0 override the automatic method.

float EmissiveBoost
Scales the emissive contribution of all materials applied to this object.
float DiffuseBoost
Scales the diffuse contribution of all materials applied to this object.
float SpecularBoost
Scales the specular contribution of all materials applied to this object.
float FullyOccludedSamplesFraction
Fraction of samples taken that must be occluded in order to reach full occlusion.


Modifiers: native

A subtitle localized to a specific language.

array<SubtitleCue> Subtitles
Subtitle cues. If empty, use SoundNodeWave's SpokenText as the subtitle. Will often be empty,

as the contents of the subtitle is commonly identical to what is spoken.

bool bMature
TRUE if this sound is considered to contain mature content.
bool bManualWordWrap
TRUE if the subtitles have been split manually.


Modifiers: native

Contains precomputed curve of root motion for a particular animation

name AnimName
Name of the animation this curve is associated with
Object.InterpCurveVector Curve
List of vectors offset from the start of the curve
float MaxCurveTime
The max input value of the curve


Modifiers: native

A line of subtitle text and the time at which it should be displayed.

string Text
The text too appear in the subtitle.
float Time
The time at which the subtitle is to be displayed, in seconds relative to the beginning of the line.


Modifiers: native

Debug options for Swarm

bool bDistributionEnabled
If TRUE, Swarm will distribute jobs.

If FALSE, only the local machine will execute the jobs.

bool bForceContentExport
If TRUE, Swarm will force content to re-export rather than using the cached version.

If FALSE, Swarm will attempt to use the cached version.

bool bInitialized

Default values:

Property Value
bDistributionEnabled True
bForceContentExport False