UE3:FracturedBaseComponent (UDK)

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UDK Object >> Component >> ActorComponent >> PrimitiveComponent >> MeshComponent >> StaticMeshComponent >> FracturedBaseComponent
Direct subclasses:
FracturedSkinnedMeshComponent, FracturedStaticMeshComponent

FracturedBaseComponent.uc - Declaration of the base fractured component which handles rendering with a dynamic index buffer.



Type: bool

Modifiers: protected, const

Initial visibility value for this component.

Default value: True


Type: int

Modifiers: protected, transient, const

TRUE whenever the static mesh is being reset during Reattach


Type: bool

Modifiers: protected, const

If true, bUseDynamicIndexBuffer will be enabled when at least one fragment is hidden, otherwise it will be disabled.

If false, bUseDynamicIndexBuffer will not be overridden.


Type: bool

Modifiers: protected, const

If true, each element will be rendered with one draw call by using a dynamic index buffer that is repacked when visibility changes.

If false, each element will be rendered with n draw calls, where n is the number of consecutive index ranges, and there will be no memory overhead.

Default value: True


Type: bool

Modifiers: protected, transient

If true, VisibleFragments has changed since the last attach and the dynamic index buffer needs to be updated.


Type: bool

Modifiers: protected, transient, const

True if VisibleFragments was reset to bInitialVisibilityValue since the last component attach.


Type: pointer{class FFracturedBaseResources}

Modifiers: protected, const, native, transient

This component's index buffer, used for rendering when bUseDynamicIndexBuffer is true.


Type: int

Modifiers: private, const

Size in bytes of the index buffer used by this component, accessed only by the game thread.


Type: int

Modifiers: private, const

Number of indices in the resource's index buffer the last time the component index buffer was built. Used to detect when the resource's index buffer has changed and the component's index buffer should be rebuilt.


Type: Object.RenderCommandFence_Mirror{FRenderCommandFence}

Modifiers: protected, native, const, transient

A fence used to track when the rendering thread has released the component's resources.


Type: array<byte>

Modifiers: protected, transient, const

Stores non-zero for each fragment that is visible, and 0 otherwise.

Default values

Property Value
bAcceptsDecalsDuringGameplay False
bAcceptsStaticDecals False

Native functions


native function int GetNumFragments () const

Get the number of chunks in the assigned fractured mesh.


native function int GetNumVisibleFragments () const

Get the number of chunks that are currently visible.


simulated native function array<byteGetVisibleFragments () const

Returns array of currently visible fragments.


simulated native function bool IsFragmentVisible (int FragmentIndex) const

Returns whether the specified fragment is currently visible or not.


simulated native function bool SetStaticMesh (StaticMesh NewMesh, optional bool bForce)

Overrides: StaticMeshComponent.SetStaticMesh

Change the StaticMesh used by this instance, and resets VisibleFragments to all be visible if NewMesh is valid.


  • NewMesh - StaticMesh to set. If this is not also a UFracturedStaticMesh, assignment will fail.


bool - TRUE if assignment succeeded.