UE3:SkeletalMeshComponent properties (UDK)
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Property group 'Cloth'
Type: bool
If true, fixed verts of the cloth are attached in the physics to the physics body that this components actor is attached to.
Type: bool
If true, cloth will automatically have bClothFrozen set when it is not rendered, and have it turned off when it is seen.
Default value: True
Type: bool
If true, cloth will be awake when a level is started, otherwise it will be instantly put to sleep.
Type: bool
It true, clamp velocity of cloth particles to be within ClothBaseVelClampRange of Base velocity.
Type: bool
It true, interp velocity of cloth particles towards Base velocity, using ClothBaseVelClampRange as the interp rate (0..1).
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
If true, cloth is 'frozen' and no simulation is taking place for it, though it will keep its shape.
Type: bool
Whether should do positional box dampening
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
If TRUE, soft body uses compartment in physics scene (usually with fixed timstep for better behaviour)
Type: bool
Whether wind direction is relative to owner rotation or not
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Turns off all cloth collision so not checks are done (improves performance).
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Whether cloth simulation should currently be used on this SkeletalMeshComponent.
See: SetEnableClothSimulation
Type: bool
Whether this cloth is on a non-animating static object.
Type: float
Modifiers: const
The cloth tear factor for this SkeletalMeshComponent, negative values take the tear factor from the SkeletalMesh. Note: UpdateClothParams() should be called after modification so that the changes are reflected in the simulation.
Default value: -1.0
Type: Object.Vector
If bClothBaseVelClamp is TRUE, amount of variance from base's velocity the cloth is allowed. If bClothBaseVelInterp is TRUE, how fast cloth verts are pushed towards base velocity (0..1)
Type: float
Distance factor above which cloth should be fully simulated.
Type: float
Distance factor below which cloth should be fully animated. -1.0 indicates always physics.
Default value: -1.0
Type: float
How much to blend in results from cloth simulation with results from regular skinning.
Default value: 1.0
Type: Object.Vector
Modifiers: const
Constant force applied to all vertices in the cloth.
Type: float
Modifiers: const
How much force to apply to cloth, in relation to the force(from a force field) applied to rigid bodies(zero applies no force to cloth, 1 applies the same)
Type: float
Amount to scale impulses applied to cloth simulation.
Default value: 1.0
Type: PrimitiveComponent.ERBCollisionChannel
Modifiers: const
Enum indicating what type of object this cloth should be considered for rigid body collision.
Default value: RBCC_Cloth
Type: PrimitiveComponent.RBCollisionChannelContainer
Modifiers: const
Types of objects that this cloth will collide with.
Type: Object.Vector
'Wind' force applied to cloth. Force on each vertex is based on the dot product between the wind vector and the surface normal.
Type: Object.Vector
Distance from the owner in relative frame (max == pos XYZ, min == neg XYZ)
Type: Object.Vector
Dampening scale applied to cloth particle velocity when approaching boundaries of *PosDampRange
Type: float
Modifiers: const
If the distance traveled between frames exceeds this value the vertices will be reset to avoid stretching.
Default value: 256.0
Type: Object.Vector
Distance from the owner in relative frame (max == pos XYZ, min == neg XYZ)
Type: Object.Vector
Dampening scale applied to cloth particle velocity when approaching boundaries of *PosDampRange
Property group 'SkeletalMeshComponent'
Type: AnimNode
Modifiers: const, editinline, export
This is the unique instance of the AnimTree used by this SkeletalMeshComponent. THIS SHOULD NEVER POINT TO AN ANIMTREE IN A CONTENT PACKAGE.
The set of AnimSets that will be looked in to find a particular sequence, specified by name in an AnimNodeSequence. Array is search from last to first element, so you can replace a particular sequence but putting a set containing the new version later in the array. You will need to call SetAnim again on nodes that may be affected by any changes you make to this array.
Type: AnimTree
Modifiers: const
This should point to the AnimTree in a content package. BeginPlay on this SkeletalMeshComponent will instance (copy) the tree and assign the instance to the Animations pointer.
Type: bool
If TRUE, when updating bounds from a PhysicsAsset, consider _all_ BodySetups, not just those flagged with bConsiderForBounds.
Type: bool
If true, FaceFX will not automatically create material instances.
Type: bool
Enables blending in of physics bodies with the bAlwaysFullAnimWeight flag set. (e.g. hair and other flappy bits!)
Type: bool
force root motion to be discarded, no matter what the AnimNodeSequence(s) are set to do
Type: bool
If true, attachments will be updated twice a frame - once in Tick and again when UpdateTransform is called. This can resolve some 'frame behind' issues if an attachment need to be in the correct location for it's Tick, but at a cost.
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Indicates whether this SkeletalMeshComponent should have a physics engine representation of its state.
See: SetHasPhysicsAssetInstance
Type: bool
Skip UpdateSkelPose.
Type: bool
If true, when this skeletal mesh overlaps a physics volume, each body of it will be tested against the volume, so only limbs actually in the volume will be affected. Useful when gibbing bodies.
Type: bool
If true, will move the Actors Location to match the root rigid body location when in PHYS_RigidBody.
Default value: True
Type: bool
If we should pass joint position to joints each frame, so that they can be used by motorized joints to drive the ragdoll based on the animation.
Type: bool
If we are running physics, should we update bFixed bones based on the animation bone positions.
Default value: True
Type: bool
If true, update skeleton/attachments even when our Owner has not been rendered recently
Note: In the output from SHOWSKELCOMPTICKTIME you want UpdatePoseTotal to be 0 when this is FALSE for a specific component
Default value: True
Type: EFaceFXBlendMode
How FaceFX transforms should be blended with skeletal mesh
Default value: FXBM_Additive
Type: int
If 0, auto-select LOD level. if >0, force to (ForcedLodModel-1).
Type: float
Used to scale speed of all animations on this skeletal mesh.
Default value: 1.0
Type: int
This is the min LOD that this component will use. (e.g. if set to 2 then only 2+ LOD Models will be used.) This is useful to set on meshes which are known to be a certain distance away and still want to have better LODs when zoomed in on them.
Type: array<MorphTargetSet>
Array of MorphTargetSets that will be looked in to find a particular MorphTarget, specified by name. It is searched in the same way as the AnimSets array above.
Type: SkeletalMeshComponent
Modifiers: const
If set, this SkeletalMeshComponent will not use its Animations pointer to do its own animation blending, but will use the SpaceBases array in the ParentAnimComponent. This is used when constructing a character using multiple skeletal meshes sharing the same skeleton within the same Actor.
Type: PhysicsAsset
Modifiers: const
Physics and collision information used for this SkeletalMesh, set up in PhAT. This is used for per-bone hit detection, accurate bounding box calculation and ragdoll physics for example.
Type: float
Modifiers: interp
Influence of rigid body physics on the mesh's pose (0.0 == use only animation, 1.0 == use only physics)
Type: ERootMotionMode
Default value: RMM_Ignore
Type: ERootMotionRotationMode
Type: SkeletalMesh
The skeletal mesh used by this component.
Type: Object.Color
Default value:
Member | Value |
A | 255 |
B | 28 |
G | 221 |
R | 221 |
Property group 'Softbody'
Type: bool
If true, the soft-body will automatically have bSoftBodyFrozen set when it is not rendered, and have it turned off when it is seen.
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Whether soft-body simulation should currently be used on this SkeletalMeshComponent.
Type: bool
If true, the soft-body will be awake when a level is started, otherwise it will be instantly put to sleep.
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
If true, the soft-body is 'frozen' and no simulation is taking place for it, though it will keep its shape.
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
If TRUE, soft body uses compartment in physics scene (usually with fixed timstep for better behaviour)
Default value: True
Type: float
Amount to scale impulses applied to soft body simulation.
Default value: 1.0
Type: PrimitiveComponent.ERBCollisionChannel
Modifiers: const
Enum indicating what type of object this soft-body should be considered for rigid body collision.
Default value: RBCC_SoftBody
Type: PrimitiveComponent.RBCollisionChannelContainer
Modifiers: const
Types of objects that this soft-body will collide with.
Internal variables
See SkeletalMeshComponent internal variables.
Default values
Property | Value |
bAcceptsDynamicDecals | False |
bCullModulatedShadowOnBackfaces | False |
TickGroup | TG_PreAsyncWork |