UE3:UIAction_GetCellValue (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> SequenceObject >> SequenceOp >> SequenceAction >> UIAction >> UIAction_DataStore >> UIAction_GetCellValue

This action allows designers to retrieve data associated with a specific cell in a UIList element.

This action's Targets array should be linked to UIList objects. This action builds a markup string that can be used to access the data in a single cell of a UIListElementCellProvider using the values assigned to CollectionIndex and CellFieldName, and writes both the resulting markup string and the actual value to the output varable links.

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Property group 'UIAction_GetCellValue'


Type: name

The name of the field to retrieve the data markup for


Type: int

The index for the item to retrieve the value for from the data store bound to the this action's associated list.

Default value: -1

Internal variables


Type: Surface

The resolved value of the specified cell in the list's data provider, if the cell field's value corresponds to an image.


Type: string

The data store markup text used for accessing the value of the specified cell in the list's data provider.


Type: UIRoot.UIRangeData

The value of the specified field in the resolved data provider, if the datafield's value corresponds to a range value.

Todo: ronp - hmmm, since this is read-only, do we need to support a range value here???


Type: string

The resolved value of the specified cell in the list's data provider, if the cell field's value corresponds to a string.

Default values

Property Value
bAutoActivateOutputLinks False
bCallHandler False
ObjClassVersion 5
ObjName "Get Cell Value"
Member Value
LinkDesc "Success"
Member Value
LinkDesc "Failure"
Member Value
MaxVars 1
Member Value
ExpectedType Class'Engine.SeqVar_Int'
LinkDesc "Index"
MaxVars 1
MinVars 1
PropertyName 'CollectionIndex'
Member Value
bWriteable True
ExpectedType Class'Engine.SeqVar_String'
LinkDesc "Markup"
MaxVars 255
MinVars 1
PropertyName 'CellFieldMarkup'
Member Value
bHidden True
bWriteable True
ExpectedType Class'Engine.SeqVar_String'
LinkDesc "String Value"
MaxVars 255
MinVars 1
PropertyName 'CellFieldStringValue'
Member Value
bHidden True
bWriteable True
ExpectedType Class'Engine.SeqVar_Object'
LinkDesc "Image Value"
MaxVars 255
MinVars 1
PropertyName 'CellFieldImageValue'
Member Value
bHidden True
bWriteable True
ExpectedType Class'Engine.SeqVar_UIRange'
LinkDesc "Range Value"
MaxVars 255
MinVars 1
PropertyName 'CellFieldRangeValue'