UE3:UIString (UT3)
- Package:
- Engine
- Within class:
- UIScreenObject
- Direct subclasses:
- UIEditboxString, UIListString, UIPreviewString
- This class in other games:
This is an auto-generated page and may need human attention. Please remove the {{autogenerated}} tag if the page seems reasonably complete or replace it with the {{expand}} tag if the page is not yet complete. |
UIString is the core renderable entity for all data that is presented by the UI. UIStrings are divided into one or more UIStringNodes, where each node corresponds to either normal text or markup data. Markup data is defined as text that will be replaced by some data retrieved from a data store, referenced by DataStoreName:PropertyName. Markup can change the current style: <Styles:NormalText>, can enable or disable a style attribute: <Attributes:B> <Attributes:/B>, or it can indicate that the markup should be replaced by the value of the property from the data store specified in the markup: <SomeDataStoreName:PropertyName>. UIStrings dynamically generate UIStringNodes by parsing the input text. For example, passing the following string to a UIString generates 7 tokens: "The name specified '<SceneData:EnteredName>' is not available. Press <ButtonImages:IMG_A> to continue or <ButtonImages:IMG_B> to cancel." The tokens generated correspond to: (0)="The name specified '" (1)=" <SceneData:EnteredName>" (2)="' is not available. Press " (3)="<ButtonImages:IMG_A>" (4)=" to continue or " (5)="<ButtonImages:IMG_B>" (6)=" to cancel."
The source text for a UIString must be specified outside of the UIString itself. There is no such thing as a stand-alone UIString. When used in a label, for example, the property which contains the text which will be used in the label is specified by the UILabel. This value may contain references to other data sources using markup, but UIStrings cannot be bound to a data store by themselves. When used in a list, the element cell will be responsible for giving the UIString its source text.
Todo: UIString is supposed to support persistence, so that designers can override the extents for individual nodes in the string, so it should not be marked transient Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Type: bool
Modifiers: transient
Type: array<pointer{FUIStringNode}>
Modifiers: native, transient
The text nodes contained by this UIString. Each text node corresponds to a single atomically renderable element, such as a string of text, an inline image (like a button icon), etc.
Type: Object.Vector2D
Modifiers: transient
the width and height of the entire string
Type: Object.Vector2D
Modifiers: transient
Currently applied string scaling
Type: UIRoot.UICombinedStyleData
Modifiers: transient
The default style that will be used for initializing the styles for all nodes contained by this string. Initialized using the owning widget's style, then modified by any per-widget style customizations enabled for the widget.
Native functions
- TRUE if this string's value contains markup text
Retrieves the configured auto-scale percentage.
- BoundingRegionSize - the bounding region to use for determining autoscale factor (only relevant for certain auto-scale modes).
- StringSize - the size of the string, unwrapped and non-scaled; (only relevant for certain auto-scale modes).
- out_AutoScalePercent - receives the autoscale percent value.
Returns the complete text value contained by this UIString, in either the processed or unprocessed state.
- bReturnProcessedText - Determines whether the processed or raw version of the value string is returned. The raw value will contain any markup; the processed string will be text only. Any image tokens are converted to their text counterpart.
- the complete text value contained by this UIString, in either the processed or unprocessed state.
Parses a string containing optional markup (such as tokens and inline images) and stores the result in Nodes.
- InputString - A string containing optional markup.
- bIgnoreMarkup - if TRUE, does not attempt to process any markup and only one UITextNode is created
- TRUE if the string was successfully parsed into the Nodes array.